Size:10 mm(roughly)
She is mostly grey-ish whit a shine and a read and grey/black head and whit yelow or red-ish legs and lower thorax.
Nothing in specific i can say about her as in some unique behaviore or other features.
Habitat: well she was on my wall of my house so i could describe the habitat around so because I'm in a village there are a lot of gardens so there are a lot of mixed types of trees and plants that's the best i can describe it.
Sr about the bad pictures i have only my phone to take them whit.
Btw a question off topic one of her wings fell of in the first few min i caught her but the second wing is still on her and its been a day and a half.? Does that mean she isn't fertile or something else ?
Thank you!
Edited by NikolaBale, May 14 2017 - 5:41 AM.