They have access to the other two boxes? They all just wanna hang out in the one? That's pretty interesting
The one they are in is the one that is hydrated.
They have access to the other two boxes? They all just wanna hang out in the one? That's pretty interesting
The one they are in is the one that is hydrated.
Nice setup Drew. I still use test tubes, using the extra large 25mm x 200mm tubes. Image is next to a 16mm x 150mm.
Second year colony, four queens. Some tubes I leave without a plug for lower humidity. Even though they are harvesters, I always give them sweets. The love it. Same with Novomessors and Andreis.
Edited by nurbs, June 14 2019 - 9:23 AM.
California Ants for Sale
Unidentified Myrmecocystus
Undescribed "Modoc"
Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:
Camponotus us-ca02
Unidentified Formica
Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup
Update 7-22-2019
Well I found the queen of the large colony dead today, so there goes that. All I have left now is one new colony with one worker and some brood.
Update 11-8-2019
That one little colony has grown quite a bit. They are now up to about 120 workers.
I just moved them out of their small starter formicarium and into a large one.
Didn't take long for them to move in. Can you guess what their favorite seeds are?
All of them it looks like.
Update 5-12-2020
This colony is growing like crazy. Right now I estimate around 700 or so workers.
Unlike my Pogonomyrmex, these guys love all the seeds I give them.
You can see how little they waste. Their trash pile is nothing but seed husks and empty shells.
Nice colony
Do you supplement them with insects often or just use seeds?
I give them a cricket or two every few weeks.
Look at all that seed garbage you need to clean their midden pile, lol.
Edited by FSTP, May 15 2020 - 3:14 AM.
Update? Seems like these would be crazy big by now.
Yes update please!
Update 12-14-2021
Unfortunately the queen died, and we never found any new queens this year. They can start flying again though as early as one month from now.
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