Update 8-31-2014
The colony is still growing like crazy. It is now up to around 200 workers. There is easily a pile of at least 50 new eggs in there at all times.
Update 8-31-2014
The colony is still growing like crazy. It is now up to around 200 workers. There is easily a pile of at least 50 new eggs in there at all times.
What do you feed them?
Lots of different types of seeds, insects, chicken, hummingbird nectar, and ByFormica's blue food.
Also, why did it change from Messor to Veromessor?
New DNA testing confirmed that the "Messor" here in North America, even though very similar, is not the same genus as the Messor overseas. Therefor, it's now a genus of its own called Veromessor.
So Veromessor pergandei, and Veromessor andrei ect. are the new terms?
New DNA testing confirmed that the "Messor" here in North America, even though very similar, is not the same genus as the Messor overseas. Therefor, it's now a genus of its own called Veromessor.
The good man is the friend of all living things. - Gandhi
good info
Fully Clausteral or no?
As far as I know, they are.
600 ants in that little box?
I'm aware you're pressed for space in your apartment but when, if ever, do you move them into a bigger set up? Especially if they keep growing so fast!
The good man is the friend of all living things. - Gandhi
As soon as I get some of my formicariums built. I'm actually drawing them up on the computer right now.
Nice! Are you thinking about transferring them into a more permanent formicarium?
This colony looks like it's doing amazing. That's a lot of mouths to feed.
The good man is the friend of all living things. - Gandhi
Do you see the queen? I think this species is going to go into my big panel formicarium.
you have them ?
No, but soon.
as in next year
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