Hello! I really love ants and would love to keep some! i was wondering if it would be possible to create a more 'natural' home for captive ants. My idea is a 5 gallon tank half full with a dirt/sand mixture, and some natural items like larger rocks and wood. i have noticed that most of you keep your ants in pre-made burrows, but i'm all about natural habitats for my animals. I do keep a crested gecko, pacman frog, and several fish tanks all with live plants and coral in a saltwater setup. i was wondering if i could keep some small dwarf plants that need to die back in the winter (such as dwarf hosta) then just hibernate the whole tank somewhere cool in the winter. would this natural tank work? what are some problems to look for? Is it fine to let my future ants burrow for themselves? Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
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