Your best bet is to not waste time with getting a queen to start a nest but rather get a small nest with at least a queen and a few workers. I'd go for Polistes if you can find them [Paper Wasps] since they are much easier to take care of and don't get as big as Vespula Species do.
Next you need to put the nest [with the wasps] into the fridge for a bit so they can be safely removed from the nest [leave them in the fridge whilst you do this next part ;)
Put down about 3 squares of cardboard in one corner of a Kritter Keeper [I can get them cheap here in Canada don't know about you] and then hot glue the nest to the square that is ontop of the "bottom" of the kritter keeper.
After the nest has been secured [use lots of hot glue to get it down well enough!] then you can add a food dish/water dish and some cardboard stripes/wood [make sure no pesticides] then introduce the wasps.
For larvae feeding you'll need to provide a protein source, such as mealworms or crickets.
After about 5 days or so [The shorter period the better] it's best to let them free range, which is just basically putting the Kritter Keeper somewhere it is not in direct sunlight and away from people. It's a lot more fun to free-range wasp colonies then it is to worry about feeding them everyday [everytime you need to feed them you have to stick your hand in the enclosure, they hate that, that's how I always ended up getting stung by Vespula species.]
here's a youtube video detailing it all:
Hope this helps, Next year I plan to relocate a nice little Vespula species nest