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Techniques to keep a humid enviornment with breeze block

water build humidity

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#1 Offline Frenchy00 - Posted November 18 2015 - 3:32 AM



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Hey guys, so after quite a few years i've been out of the "game" and I am looking to build a new formicarium now. I am probably going to use breeze block and was wondering what methods people are using the keep the breeze block humid. This will be for a colony of Pheidole Pallidula. Any pictures of peoples designs would be great, thanks.

#2 Offline drtrmiller - Posted November 18 2015 - 5:55 AM



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Firstly, it is worth mentioning that concrete blocks are not all the same.  Ytong, also known as hebel, also known as autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), is a type of low-density concrete that has many air pockets.


Unlike regular concrete, which is a mixture of sand, cement, gravel, and other impermeable materials, aerated concrete blocks are relatively absorbent.  I suggest taking a look at the many commercial and homemade ytong nests to better understand how users work with the material to provide wet and dry sections to their nests.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: water, build, humidity

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