This is a colony I came into possession of at the same time as my Atta and Odontomachus (Oct. 14, 2020), but at the time I wasn't really too interested in them. I'd caught barbatus of my own, so this colony was kinda just a bonus. However, after a few months of keeping them, the colony has really started to grow on me.
As of late October I had moved them into a mini hearth, which they're still in today. Upon moving them the queen laid a considerable batch of eggs. I think they had 4 workers at the time.
Fastforward to current day and the colony is doing exceptionally well. Their care has been extremely passive, just making sure they have access to seeds and water at all times and offering the occasional insect has gotten them to around 15 workers now, and plenty of brood to boot.
I also just uploaded a quick video of them on my Youtube which better showcases the whole colony:
Edited by CheetoLord02, May 7 2021 - 8:08 PM.