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I finally got pupae! They would always eat their brood or it would die before it got to pupae. I have not had a single worker eclose that was laid by the queen while she was in my possession. This is really good news.
The colony is doing quite well. I think I had been disturbing them too much for a liitle bit so they ate their eggs but, I looked in the nest today and saw a large clutch of freshly layed eggs along with pupae and larvae. I am noticing something kind of wierd though. The queen appears to be laying just enough eggs to keep the colony going but not to grow it. Hopefully with the new batch of eggs this will change.
That is a lot of seeds. I think because you have the nest covered, so they get panic when they see the light. My colony has got used to the nature light, but would still try to block out the critical resources (queen, major pupae, etc) from the flash lights when I took my photos. Really nice colony you got there by the way.