I have had a worm bin before. It's a project my family wants to do. I had ordered some "red wigglers" before, but a lot of them jumped out through the tiniest holes that seemed impossible. Winter came, and the worms died. I know now that they were really the Indian Blue worm, an invasive worm that really is hard to keep from not escape, cannot tolerate the cold, and outcompeted red wigglers. I know many suppliers have these mixed in. I'm restarting the project, with an Worm Factory Worm Bin. A lot of the major suppliers, like Uncle Jim, have blue worms mixed inside their wigglers. The novices don't know, but the experienced reviewers can tell. I'm leaning on European night crawlers, since they are supposedly raised in colder bins, have no blue worms. Also, they make great fishing bait, and their composting ability is second to the red wiggler. I would choose the red wiggler first, but it's hard to find genuine stocks of these.
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