Today (10-05-15), the substrate was just wet enough to make digging easy. It rained this morning a bit, so was a good time to get a colony as any. I managed to get 3+ queens (going to try getting more later as three isn't very much, but gotta wait for all the highschool kids finish leaving school) and a bunch of workers, brood and male alates. The males will probably just die off, but they are so tiny in this species I can't sort them out. They are like tiny little gnats.
I always have success with Forelius, so I won't have any issues with this colony at all. Especially if I can get more queens. This species is the easiest species I've kept, in California. Easy to keep, very active, fun to watch and very easy to feed. My favorite ant farm species around here.
Also, they are probably Forelius mccooki. F. mccooki tend to nest more in dirt, where as F. pruinosus nests mostly in sand, but, not always. Both look too similar to tell the difference between the two by looking at them. In any case, they both have the same exact diet, behavior and everything, so its not a big deal.
Edited by Vendayn, September 17 2016 - 9:04 PM.