I was recently informed of some laws some of our California members might not have been aware of.
This was taken from an email sent directly from the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
A-rated pests are prohibited from entering the state, and prohibited from being sold in the state of California due to their potential detrimental impact on agriculture. The only exception is for organisms accompanied by an approved CDFA or USDA live organism permit for contained exhibit or research purposes.
B-rated pests are eligible to enter the sate if the receiving county has agreed to accept them.
C-rated pests are under no state enforced action. Regulations are designed to retard the spread or to suppress at the discretion of the individual county agricultural commissioner.
Now her text was not totally complete, because as far as I remember from all of this, the A-rated section included "transported", which would mean "moved from their original location." thus making it virtually impossible to collect, keep, or give them away without breaking the law.
I have attached the .pdf file listing all of these species.
The only prohibited ant species happen to be four A-rated species--
Solenopsis geminata, Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, and Solenopsis saevissima.
What I find funny are the C-rated "pests". It looks like nearly half the fauna in California. I guess every time anyone complains about an insect it must make the list. Maybe we should just eradicate all wildlife in CA.
Attached Files
Edited by dspdrew, September 30 2015 - 5:43 PM.