Today I received the new glassbox foraging area and growtube and just wanted to give my initial thoughts. A real review would require much longer observation with my colony.
This is my first purchase of a ByFormica formicarium. I was drawn by the mix of the modern look with a naturalistic setup.
First- Overall I would say a very nice product. Seems to be well constructed and thought out. But to give some more detail:
Packaging- This was excellent. The product was shipped inside a foam that seemed to form around the product. This also removed very nicely and neatly when unpacking. Smaller items such as the GrowTube were shrink wrapped providing additional stability.
Nice touch - The product also came with a small paint brush. I presume this was to swipe away the bits of substrate that are on the walls of the outworld that happen during shipping. This was a nice anticipation. Also the blacksplash- being able to color this to the decor of your home is a nice touch.
Setup- this was very intuitive; the only bit of struggle that I had was getting a corner started to peel the protective layer from the acrylic lid.
Any Concerns? - Without longer observation, the only thing I could put in this category is that I am very glad that I purchased the long version. The overall size of the formicarium seems adequate for small to medium ants, but I may have concerns with larger species such as Formica or Camponotus. But, I am sure it would be adequate for a 1 to 2 year colony of these species.
I decided to place my 2 year old colony of Aphaenogaster tennesseenis. Initially, they all hid under a stump. It was fun to see them explore and find the Growtube and recruit the colony for the move.
Below are some pics. As I observe how my colony reacts to the new home and I will place more observations. This species is known to be a little messy with bring food in, so they should be good test subjects.