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What would be your dream ant nest/formicarium?

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#1 Offline antsriondel - Posted Yesterday, 10:32 AM


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I've been offline for a while, and I've been thinking about this problem I have. There are so many ant vendors, and so many different styles, it can become hard to find the right ant nest. I'm curious what you think is the best ant nest that is in production, or you would like to see in production, as I am going to be starting to produce nests, but I first wanted to inquire with the ant keeping community on what is, or would be your favourite ant nest. Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I'm excited to hear all of your thoughts!

#2 Offline Entomologyants - Posted Yesterday, 3:11 PM



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A tower with 2 rooms, each one being its own subject.


1. Bottom layer is for the queen and her brood, to keep the queen hydrated the floor is thick and hollow with a hydration method underneath. The ants get up to the second layer using a spiral that leads through the next floor. To add test tubes, it has outlets on the sides that you can slip the test tube through. The bottom layer has rock and a little bit of sand for the floor, and it has one point going down from the roof. The roof is also rock with a hole for the spiral.


2. The top layer has a sandy floor with a plastic roof with a hatch for feeding.

Wait, this is any basic outworld, you asked for a nest.


It should come with a red plastic sheet to rap around the nest area. The whole tower is a cylinder. 

I think my idea is crazy, but it's only a dream.

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Leap like a snail, walk like a frog, and most importantly, eat like an ant...

#3 Offline cooIboyJ - Posted Yesterday, 4:13 PM


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A large 1-inch deep plate, with a smaller 1.5 inch deep plate that will be on the inside, attached to the bigger one by water-proof screws. You get some dry white sand and fill the smaller plate. Then you fill the large plate with water. The water will keep the ants from escaping and you can do a tubs and tubes setup in the smaller plate with the sand.

the ants go marching 

#4 Offline antsriondel - Posted Yesterday, 4:18 PM


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A tower with 2 rooms, each one being its own subject.


1. Bottom layer is for the queen and her brood, to keep the queen hydrated the floor is thick and hollow with a hydration method underneath. The ants get up to the second layer using a spiral that leads through the next floor. To add test tubes, it has outlets on the sides that you can slip the test tube through. The bottom layer has rock and a little bit of sand for the floor, and it has one point going down from the roof. The roof is also rock with a hole for the spiral.


2. The top layer has a sandy floor with a plastic roof with a hatch for feeding.

Wait, this is any basic outworld, you asked for a nest.


It should come with a red plastic sheet to rap around the nest area. The whole tower is a cylinder. 

I think my idea is crazy, but it's only a dream.

Actually, would you love to know that I love that idea! I've created something very similar, and was actually debating making something like this! Thanks for your feedback!

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#5 Offline antsriondel - Posted Yesterday, 4:23 PM


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A large 1-inch deep plate, with a smaller 1.5 inch deep plate that will be on the inside, attached to the bigger one by water-proof screws. You get some dry white sand and fill the smaller plate. Then you fill the large plate with water. The water will keep the ants from escaping and you can do a tubs and tubes setup in the smaller plate with the sand.

Interesting! I'd love to see more tubs and tubes setups out there, because of their low price-point, and easy to use and clean.

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