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Neoponera Villosa colony


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#1 Offline mike78pl - Posted March 19 2025 - 11:16 AM



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Hi. I've bought Neoponera Villosa colony two weeks ago. Its Q + 40 workers, 15 pupae, some larvae and eggs. They are quite active and eat lot of insects, honeywater and some fruits. But within 2 weeks four ants died. Each time, the ant that was supposed to die ran around the arena chaotically for several days. Sometimes other ants were attacking them by grabbing their legs. They have everything they need, ytong nest with different moisture zones , heating with different temperature zones, big arena. I had similar situation with Camponotus Singularis few months ago and I lost entire colony. that's why I'm panicking a little now. Please tell me what can I do ?

#2 Offline Full_Frontal_Yeti - Posted March 19 2025 - 2:48 PM


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I'd consider removing any that behaves or looks odd. If they have some kind of pathogen, removing them soon enough might help curb or prevent spread of whatever, if there is something.

I had some younger ants that were dying off for unknown reasons(color changes with age in these) and i noticed an oddity coloring in their gastors. I started removing any that were younger than seemed right to be doing foraging work, and any that i though looked funny in the gastor in any way.

I never got any answers about anything. Maybe there was no problem and i just killed a bunch ants for no reason.

But the colony is here today and i've not continued to have the young ant death issue.

Do keep a close eye on what you feed them and what might be getting into their habitat by just drifting in on the open air, like say window cleaner if the nest were near enough  window being cleaned.
Even small amounts of some things can be dangerous to them in the enclose environment where they can't just move off and not go into a bad area.

Be sure and give flash boils to feeder insects to protect against mites or other parasites that could be introduced.
And only use organic fruits or whatever as sugar sources to avoid pesticides.
Be wary of even the most cleanest organicest labeled honey. The conditions on the honey farm that earn that label are not able to bee imposed on the bees who fly where they dam well please and bring back whatever from wherever they go.

I've not trusted to any honey for my ants because of this and keep to organic fruits and berries, and  commercial or homebrew sunburst.


best of luck.

#3 Offline mike78pl - Posted March 19 2025 - 3:31 PM



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There was a seed husk of a rubber tree in arena. I brought it from trip to Malaysia. Previous Camponotus ants also had it. I boiled it but maybe there are pesticides in it. I removed it today. Maybe I should remove everything from arena and clean now?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: neoponera

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