Hey all, the warmer weather here has me excited for the coming ant season. Someone last year made a post about ant keeping goals for the year and I really enjoyed seeing what everybody was doing and hoping for, so I thought I'd start another one and see what everyone is up to.
As for me:
1. Find Formica queens. For some reason the queens of this species continue to elude me. I found my first one last year, but it died within days (I think it was an early flier). I find colonies absolutely everywhere but for some reason I can never time finding the queens right.
2. Still looking for a Pogonomyrmex rugosus queen (the biggest species we have in Utah). I bought a few from UtahAnts before he moved, but really looking to find some of my own this year since I have located a few colonies. Though they do seem to be in the southern half of the state so I'll probably have to make a trip down if I'm serious about this one.
3. Still looking for Myrmecocystus queens. I found a few more colonies I have marked on my map, but missed the timing last year for flights as my summer ended up being quite busy with work during the days after their flights, which was a major bummer.
4. Still want to try and find either Manica or Myrmica queens. I did find a ton of Myrmica queens during a flight I came across while hiking last year but I couldn't stick around because a thunder storm was rolling in and those are bad news at 11,500 feet elevation.
5. I'd like to find a colony of some Myrmecocystus ants that aren't the mexicanus of navajo species. Those seem to be the main ones people find in Utah, but the historical data shows there are more. I've got some desert hikes in historic territory of these species I'm planning this year so hopefully I'll come across them.
6. Still looking for a cryptic species. Maybe once I get some glasses that will help. Darn you astigmatism.
7. Continue to grow my existing colonies. I managed to get one major from my Camponotus sansabeanus colonies before diapause, so hoping to see some big growth from them in year three.
Things I'm excited about:
I got permission from the BLM to go out to an isolated mountain range in the west desert of Utah where there is a wildlife preserve that is known for having a very unique ecosystem due to its isolation and collect a few queens and document what ant species exist out there.
Reflection on last years goals:
I only completed 4/7 I listed, but I think what I was most proud of was that I found all the species I found last year, and without any help from other ant keepers telling me the general location to go. I found and timed the nuptial flights correctly on my own and it was incredibly rewarding to see them all crawling around in mass instead of having to dig up founding chambers a day or two later.
I also managed to catch some queens of new species I hadn't been able to find previously including:
Aphaenogaster occidentalis*
Camponotus modoc*
Formica fusca-group
Lasius latipes
Lasius neoniger*
Myrmica species
Excited to be starting my third year. Here's to an amazing 2025!