So 5 months ago (October), I bought a Crematogaster cerasi colony of 5 workers from Canada Ant Colony, when they arrived, the came with 6 workers and a larva that they ate shortly after. I asked what to do with them and AntDrew said that I should allow them to stay up this winter because naturally, Crematogaster colonies should not have this low number of workers during their starting year. I ended up keeping them going during the winter, and what do ya know? The original nanitics started dying. Luckily during this period the queen laid eggs and by the time there was one worker left, a pupa enclosed and darkened in to a fully fledged worker, then the last original worker died… A week later, 3 more workers joined that new nanitic. Now they stay at that number with a few growing larvae (3 to be exact) What I am worried about is that I feel like the nanitics will end up dying and leave the queen orphaned, which form my knowledge and experience, will not bounce back without being brood boosted. The problem is that in the place I live, this species of Crematogaster only lives near the Ontario border and basically that is not near where I live. The other problem is that my Mom bought it for me and she is not exactly for keeping ants, and that is why I want to make sure they thrive. So yeah I am just asking for help because this colony is particularly important to me.
Right now I have offered them a variety of food, they don’t really care, they have more of an ON/OFF mode where some days they accept food and other no, I am giving them a constant supply of sugar (I see them take occasional sips) and a fresh water source, I am trying to heat them but nothing really changes, what I am worried about is that maybe they need a hibernation, but the problem is that winter is coming to an end and my Mom is a complete NO to sticking my ants in the fridge, one of my choices if they need a hibernation is asking my dad to stick them the mini fridge in the garage…
Edited by OwlThatLikesAnts, March 9 2025 - 6:57 PM.