I have a p. Pilifera colony I got roughly 10 weeks ago. I had them in the test tube and they were doing pretty well for about a month with about 15 nanitics and a pile of brood. After about a month there was tons of black furry mold all over the inside of the tube and I could barely see inside. What I could see though was the brood pile was gone and there were about 10 dead workers. All I had on hand was a TH bifurcated mini hearth and had to forcefully move them into that. Since then my queen has laid a pile of eggs twice but they never ever seem to hatch (is eclose the right term?). I have seen puapa but I think my queen might be eating them. There's always water, sunburst ant nectar, a wide variety of seeds and feeder insects available at all times. I have a heat lamp on the non-water tower side. The outside of the mini hearth is reading 84° where the heat lamp is hitting it. Ladies and gentlemen, I need some help here. I bought these ants because I thought they would be booming in population. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Thank you so much for your help!
Edited by JimmyBruin, February 26 2025 - 10:25 AM.