I received this colony of Formica Montana from Ants_Dakota today! I really can't recommend Ants_Dakota enough times! He's an amazing seller that you should buy from if you can! They arrived in a small formicarium made by UtahAnts. I really like this formicarium but the holes on it didn't quite fit any of my tubing to give them an outworld. I had a mini hearth laying around so I moved them into it. They are currently hiding in the entrance hole and on the ceiling so I couldn't get any good photos. It may be hard to see in the photos but they have over 10 workers. They are so pretty and interesting to view in person. I will try to get some more photos once they settle in.
The nest they arrived in with the new mini hearth in the background.
The ants shortly after the move into the new mini hearth.
The only photo I was able to get because of them hiding in the entrance hole and the ceiling.