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MyrmecologyMaven's Brachymyrmex depilis journal

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#1 Offline MyrmecologyMaven - Posted February 26 2025 - 5:33 PM


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I just received a 2 queen colony of Brachymyrmex depilis from Ants_Dakota! They are in a Por Amor Cryptic Ant Insert with a refillable test tube! I really like the insert. I may have to experiment with making my own. I'm very excited to have this colony! I've had these on my wishlist for a while. I highly recommend Ants_Dakota! Customer service was excellent, shipping was great, and the ants are high quality! I also have to praise the ethics of Ants_Dakota! When the colony of Solenopsis molesta was found to have only 1 queen and no workers or brood he threw it in for free with no extra charge! I know some ant sellers who would ship it out anyways in such an unhealthy state. 


Sorry about the photo quality. I couldn't really get a good camera shot through the condensation from the test tube!


Brachymyrmex depilis




The full test tube setup with the darkness cover, cryptic ant insert, and test tube stand.




  • ANTdrew, RushmoreAnts, Ants_Dakota and 5 others like this

#2 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted February 27 2025 - 6:34 AM


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I have to say that those colonies look amazing in that insert. I am really hopeful that it will provide an optimal condition for them to lay eggs, and honestly they look the healthiest I have seen them in those pictures, so good job!

Edited by Ants_Dakota, February 27 2025 - 6:34 AM.

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Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide

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