So since spring is right around the corner and all the snow is melting, I decided that I wanted to get prepared for this year’s anting season, specifically targeting small and cryptic specks of ants, but one thing that I want to know is how to care for certain small species that are semi claustral, like Ponera pennsylvanica and Myrmecina americana. One of the biggest problems I have is I don’t know how to house them properly. I did some research on the forum, and I found out that you can use a Petri dish as the nest/outworld and some cotton as the substrate that the ants can dig into. I just wanted to know if there is any other way I can prepare a nest for species like this and how exactly am I supposed to transfer spring tails to their nest, also what other insects have these species accepted as food besides springtails?
This is the cotton-Petri dish setup that I was talking about, this is a photo I saw on another journal
Edited by OwlThatLikesAnts, February 25 2025 - 7:47 AM.