So I know that millipedes don't bother ants and the ants won't really bother it (because it secretes a defensive liquid). I'm thinking of adding a Narceus americanus (American giant millipede) to my Camponotus pennsylvanicus Outworld, which is forest themed and is a perfect habitat for such a millipede. The Outworld has a lid, but the lid has airholes that are big enough for the ants to fit through, so I have a mineral oil barrier on the walls. The millipede would be too large to fit through the holes, but I'm wondering if it would be able to walk over the barrier and/or keep testing it, weakening it and forcing me to reapply it more often. Has anyone tried this out and had problems with millipedes doing this and/or other problematic activities?
Edited by TwistyPunch, February 13 2025 - 7:30 AM.