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Camponotus pennsylvanicus nuptial flight?

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#1 Offline TwistyPunch - Posted February 10 2025 - 5:39 PM


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Hello, do Camponotus pennsylvanicus fly at night? I've heard some mixed opinion on this and I'm wondering when I should be out looking for queens. Also, does anyone know about what month they fly in GA, where I live? Camponotus pennylvanicus are a widespread species and the website I found said they could be flying anywhere from March to June. I've also heard that they fly after it rains. Is this true? Thanks!
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#2 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted February 11 2025 - 1:09 PM


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Hello, do Camponotus pennsylvanicus fly at night? I've heard some mixed opinion on this and I'm wondering when I should be out looking for queens. Also, does anyone know about what month they fly in GA, where I live? Camponotus pennylvanicus are a widespread species and the website I found said they could be flying anywhere from March to June. I've also heard that they fly after it rains. Is this true? Thanks!

Camponotus are quite easy to catch as they fly in huge swarms. Like the source you mentioned said, they usually fly after a rainstorm or a light shower. In my experience and up here, they fly around 6pm and dig founding nests well into the night, so I am sure some could be found flying at night. They fly around late May early June here in South Dakota.

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#3 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 11 2025 - 6:33 PM


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Blacklight traps are a great way to catch this species, so they definitely do fly at night. The ones I find here in Virginia are usually in late June or July even. Search up in the archives how to make a blacklight trap.
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