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shelf life of deep frozen Dubia roaches

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#1 Offline antKeeper2156 - Posted February 6 2025 - 2:14 AM



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Hi, I have Dubia roaches that I deep froze at -15C Celsius that are already three years deep frozen.

They still look and smell the same when I froze them three years ago.

My ants are still accepting them, although they don't have another choice because its the only protein I feed.


Does anyone have practical experience  with the shelf life of deep frozen feeder insects ?

I will do an experiment next feeding time and present also fresh Dubia roaches and check if there is a big difference in acceptance of the fresh vs frozen.
So basically which one they like more and if they ignore the old ones totally.

So far I only presented the deep frozen ones so maybe they accept them because its the only protein source I offer.
(Additionally I offer sugar Water and plain Water )


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