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Hello! A few DIY questions!

#diy #formicarium

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#1 Offline AntsND - Posted January 31 2025 - 8:37 AM



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Hello all! I was wondering a few questions for diy formicarium. 

For one: should I use unsanded or sanded grout for formicarium making?

Two: should I use magnets or screws if I am making a grout formicarium like the ones seen on D Colony?

Three: Any other tips for making formicariums like that?


Thank you all! 


#2 Offline Full_Frontal_Yeti - Posted January 31 2025 - 9:07 AM


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That is a very nice looking setup on D Colony.


However I personally like keeping the nests and outworlds as separate structures connected by tubing.
An all in one like that would mean anytime you need to clean the outworld up, it will be full of ants and you'll greatly disturb the nests in the process as well.

With separate nests and outworlds you can easily plug the nest/outworld port, remove any ants in the outworld to a temporary holder. Clean up the outworld, dump the temporarily held ants back in, and open up the nest access again. And doing so will generally not disturb the nests, keeping colony stress down.

Just say'n in terms of longer term upkeep effort, separate nests and outworlds will be less work to maintain than an all in one.

I've not made any full formicarium or outworld, i've only made nests so far.
I'd say be ready to make 2-4 nests before you get one you will want to use. It's just a fiddily fine details matter(tiny holes can leak/not perfectly level/watertowers float/sand shifts around/etc. etc). It is the kind of thing i'd say no one willl ever do right on their first try. So be ready to pour a few failures as you go.
I've got 3 good nests in use so far(and about to make another one). But i've poured 7 in total, with 4 of those going direct to the trash.

I'd say no sand mixed in the grout. Though i've not tested with sand, all my own nests have been good with no sand mixed into the ultracast.

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#3 Offline AntsND - Posted January 31 2025 - 9:30 AM



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That is a very nice looking setup on D Colony.


However I personally like keeping the nests and outworlds as separate structures connected by tubing.
An all in one like that would mean anytime you need to clean the outworld up, it will be full of ants and you'll greatly disturb the nests in the process as well.

With separate nests and outworlds you can easily plug the nest/outworld port, remove any ants in the outworld to a temporary holder. Clean up the outworld, dump the temporarily held ants back in, and open up the nest access again. And doing so will generally not disturb the nests, keeping colony stress down.

Just say'n in terms of longer term upkeep effort, separate nests and outworlds will be less work to maintain than an all in one.

I've not made any full formicarium or outworld, i've only made nests so far.
I'd say be ready to make 2-4 nests before you get one you will want to use. It's just a fiddily fine details matter(tiny holes can leak/not perfectly level/watertowers float/sand shifts around/etc. etc). It is the kind of thing i'd say no one willl ever do right on their first try. So be ready to pour a few failures as you go.
I've got 3 good nests in use so far(and about to make another one). But i've poured 7 in total, with 4 of those going direct to the trash.

I'd say no sand mixed in the grout. Though i've not tested with sand, all my own nests have been good with no sand mixed into the ultracast.

Hello! Yes I was just planning on the nest, no outworld and I have tubing. I will do unsanded grout! Thank you for the input :)

#4 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted January 31 2025 - 9:33 AM


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Hello all! I was wondering a few questions for diy formicarium. 

For one: should I use unsanded or sanded grout for formicarium making?

Two: should I use magnets or screws if I am making a grout formicarium like the ones seen on D Colony?

Three: Any other tips for making formicariums like that?


Thank you all! 


I would highly recommend using the Search Bar on this forum, as there are so many good Formicarium making threads out there that should answer your questions. Both Utah Ants and Kiedierk (spelled wrong probably) have excellent threads worth reading.

  • bmb1bee, AntsGodzilla and AntsND like this

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#5 Offline AntsND - Posted January 31 2025 - 4:22 PM



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Okay! Would you recommend fire brick of grout for humidity loving species? I can’t find anything about it online :/

#6 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 31 2025 - 4:35 PM


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Go to Hobby Lobby and get some PerfectCast plaster. That’s the best stuff for DIY.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#7 Offline AntsND - Posted January 31 2025 - 4:37 PM



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Go to Hobby Lobby and get some PerfectCast plaster. That’s the best stuff for DIY.

Okay! Are there any good tutorials for that or is it just the same as normal plaster?

#8 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted January 31 2025 - 4:44 PM


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UtahAnts' Formicariums and Outworlds
Those should be a great start

Edited by Ants_Dakota, January 31 2025 - 4:44 PM.

  • AntsGodzilla likes this

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

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#9 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 31 2025 - 5:00 PM


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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#10 Offline Full_Frontal_Yeti - Posted February 2 2025 - 9:49 AM


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I got a question along these lines, i'm a toss in here instead of starting a new thread for it.

I've been using a custom wood frame on a glass sheet as my mold for nest making.Four thin wood bits with clamps holding them in shape, and clay to seal the edges against tiny leaks.

But i've not got a real set of decent tools for this, cutting bits of wood to size with a hand saw gets crooked rough edges that take a lot of effort to flatten, never come out that clean, and take a lot of time to get just right. And no space to increase my tool collection really.

Anyone got a better material/option for making custom sized molds w/port holes? I need to make another nest now and this one needs a bit more precision in it than i've managed so far. Hoping that a different method and/or material for mold making could simply this process a bit. Like has anyone tried foamboard instead of wood does that stuff work fine as a mold material?

These are top down style horizontal nests.

Thanks for your time,

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#11 Offline T.C. - Posted February 3 2025 - 12:34 PM


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I got a question along these lines, i'm a toss in here instead of starting a new thread for it.

I've been using a custom wood frame on a glass sheet as my mold for nest making.Four thin wood bits with clamps holding them in shape, and clay to seal the edges against tiny leaks.

Anyone got a better material/option for making custom sized molds w/port holes? I need to make another nest now and this one needs a bit more precision in it than i've managed so far. Hoping that a different method and/or material for mold making could simply this process a bit. Like has anyone tried foamboard instead of wood does that stuff work fine as a mold material?

These are top down style horizontal nests.

Thanks for your time,


I've used the pink foam boards a number of times for casts. It works but watch out for the foam to be warped or misshaped prior to pouring the cast. To hold it together, make sure you use screws with wide threads. I had one come apart years ago. 

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#12 Offline Full_Frontal_Yeti - Posted February 6 2025 - 11:11 AM


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OK i found a video, D-Colony, where he does almost exactly what i was wanting to do. Foamboard works as a mold material for pouring nests.

The only real difference being between his method and mine is I use a larger glass sheet as the mold bottom, attaching the 4 walls to it with clay so it won't leak.
But he clearly uses plain foamboard/foamcore as the mold materiel, port holes and all as i do. I don't want to have to carve/drill on the nest later.

Wish i had seen this before i put all that effort in on using wood to make my current ones

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