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Little Black Ant Infestation 12/19/2024

infestation little black ant

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#1 Offline Itswolfcity811 - Posted December 19 2024 - 4:00 PM



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Hello everyone! A few weeks ago I found a little black ant queen (Monomorium minimum) so I know a bit about the species although she didn't make it. Around the time I catch her I noticed occasionally small little ants that are black on my bathroom counter. I'm 99% these are little black ants which are a native species to my area and I haven't seen any until now. (No, this isn't from the queen I catch.) And these were nice because they scared away springtails from my bathroom counter as I have had a springtail infestation for weeks even now, and I don't like them in my tooth brush. But recently it has gotten out of hand. Before every once in a while I would see a few foraging or moving though my counter, but know I can see at least 20 workers contently foraging and I'm worried about placing stuff there in fear they will get on it. Because I had a queen I researched that they don't have stingers that will penetrate my skin but I still don't want tiny insects on me or my stuff. I don't want to get rid of them completely because they are native and the only ones I have found, and also because they keep springtails away, but I don't want them all over everything. I want them to reduce how much they forage but keep a few around and definitely not harm the queen or the colony. What do I do?

Edited by Itswolfcity811, December 19 2024 - 4:02 PM.

#2 Offline dspdrew - Posted December 22 2024 - 1:00 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

I have Brachymyrmex that do this in my bathroom from time to time. It comes and goes. They will probably forage a lot for a while, and then will probably go away for a while. I'm just glad I haven't seen Argentine ants in my apartment or even outside for a few years now.

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#3 Offline gcsnelling - Posted December 23 2024 - 5:20 AM



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Springtails are the result of a moisture issue. Fix the moisture and the little jumpers will go away.

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#4 Offline rptraut - Posted December 23 2024 - 5:56 PM


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Hello Itswolfcity811;


Your question is really great.   It's about how we coexist with nature, even in our own home.    Some insist there's a limit to the number of insects and spiders they're willing to live with.   Some people won't tolerate any.   Springtails are often a problem in kitchens and bathrooms.   They like moist areas where there are cracks and crevices to hide in.   You can make these areas less desirable to live in by drying up any leaks, drips, or water traps (places that don't drain and are always wet) and then I would use silicone caulking and seal any cracks and crevices that are in the area.   If you're comfortable with the use of a house and garden insecticide in a can, spraying the area beforehand, especially any hiding places like the cracks and under the sink etc, before you do the caulking, will get rid of any existing springtails and start off clean.   


Spray insecticide will also kill any ants in the area, probably not the colony, but it sounds like you don't mind the ants so much as long as they're not in your toothbrush.   There are many commercial ant traps, poisons that will eventually kill a colony and will keep ants from coming back.    If that's what you want.    If you just want to keep them off your sink area, I suggest cleaning the area with vinegar which is a repellent to many ants.   Try it and see.   A small spray bottle and sponge is easy to keep on hand to wipe down the sink area regularly and keep ants away.   If you're really compassionate, you could set up a feeding station (I did this once on a windowsill) and give the ants water and sugar/water.  I just used a couple pieces of paper towel on a plate.   Great fun to watch them coming and going and they stopped foraging all over my bathroom.   You'll also be able to find out their access holes that you need to plug up, if you want to keep them out.   


Good Luck with whatever options you choose and let us know how you make out.  


  • ANTdrew likes this
My father always said I had ants in my pants.

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