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Best THA Decor Style for Camponotus pennsylvanicus

tha decor style camponotus pennsylvanicus

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#1 Offline AntsTx - Posted November 27 2024 - 9:50 AM


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I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a good THA Decor Style for Camponotus pennsylvanicus's outworld in a labyrinth. I have tried a few and they didn't seem to like them. I've tried forest underbrush, desert mountain and desert stone. I've tried all of these in different setups and they wouldn't forage much even at larger numbers.

Edited by AntsTx, November 27 2024 - 10:07 AM.

Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus - 4 workers                                           

Camponotus sansabeanus - 20-25 workers                         

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 95-100 workers                                                                                                                                         

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 45-60 workers

Crematogaster spp. - 150-200 workers 

Novomessor albisetosus - 60-75 workers

Camponotus sayi x2 - eggs

Camponotus discolor x34 - eggs

#2 Offline AntsGodzilla - Posted November 27 2024 - 10:25 AM


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I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a good THA Decor Style for Camponotus pennsylvanicus's outworld in a labyrinth. I have tried a few and they didn't seem to like them. I've tried forest underbrush, desert mountain and desert stone. I've tried all of these in different setups and they wouldn't forage much even at larger numbers.

What size is you colony?


And many Carnivorous plants such as: Dionea muscipula (fly trap), Sarracenia x 'Fiona' ( American Pitcher plant), Nepenthese ventrata (Tropical Pitcher plant), and Pinguicula agnata x emarginata (Butterwort) (show off your plants here)

Godzilla thread

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6: 6-8


#3 Offline AntsTx - Posted November 27 2024 - 10:40 AM


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I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a good THA Decor Style for Camponotus pennsylvanicus's outworld in a labyrinth. I have tried a few and they didn't seem to like them. I've tried forest underbrush, desert mountain and desert stone. I've tried all of these in different setups and they wouldn't forage much even at larger numbers.

What size is you colony?


100 workers

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Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus - 4 workers                                           

Camponotus sansabeanus - 20-25 workers                         

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 95-100 workers                                                                                                                                         

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 45-60 workers

Crematogaster spp. - 150-200 workers 

Novomessor albisetosus - 60-75 workers

Camponotus sayi x2 - eggs

Camponotus discolor x34 - eggs

#4 Offline ANTdrew - Posted November 27 2024 - 10:41 AM


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I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a good THA Decor Style for Camponotus pennsylvanicus's outworld in a labyrinth. I have tried a few and they didn't seem to like them. I've tried forest underbrush, desert mountain and desert stone. I've tried all of these in different setups and they wouldn't forage much even at larger numbers.

That is just basic Camponotus behavior and not an effect of the decor. Get a small swarming style ant like Pheidole, Tetramorium, or Crematogaster if you want to see more foraging behavior.
  • rptraut and AntsGodzilla like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#5 Offline AntsTx - Posted November 27 2024 - 10:48 AM


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They havent been foragjng for a LONG time since July and I’m worried they arent getting enough food. I havent seen a single ant in their outworld even at night and they havent touched any of their food or liquid feeders

Edited by AntsTx, November 27 2024 - 10:49 AM.

Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus - 4 workers                                           

Camponotus sansabeanus - 20-25 workers                         

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 95-100 workers                                                                                                                                         

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 45-60 workers

Crematogaster spp. - 150-200 workers 

Novomessor albisetosus - 60-75 workers

Camponotus sayi x2 - eggs

Camponotus discolor x34 - eggs

#6 Offline AntsTx - Posted November 27 2024 - 10:50 AM


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I don't think its just camponotus behaviour at this point, and it can't be because of hibernation as it started in the warmer months

Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus - 4 workers                                           

Camponotus sansabeanus - 20-25 workers                         

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 95-100 workers                                                                                                                                         

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 45-60 workers

Crematogaster spp. - 150-200 workers 

Novomessor albisetosus - 60-75 workers

Camponotus sayi x2 - eggs

Camponotus discolor x34 - eggs

#7 Offline ANTdrew - Posted November 27 2024 - 11:05 AM


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Depending on the species and when they became active, Camponotus can certainly enter hibernation mode in warmer months. If a colony is woken up early and heated, they will likely finish for the season early. Also check their brood amounts; if they have only eggs or small larvae and no pupae, they are ready to hibernate.
  • rptraut likes this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#8 Offline AntsTx - Posted November 27 2024 - 11:26 AM


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Ok, they did have pupae when they started but it dwindled down quickly with none left in late september. So that may be the cause. But still what is a good decor style that mimics their natural environment?
  • rptraut likes this

Currently Keeping:

Camponotus texanus - 4 workers                                           

Camponotus sansabeanus - 20-25 workers                         

Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 95-100 workers                                                                                                                                         

Formica spp. - 5 workers

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis - 45-60 workers

Crematogaster spp. - 150-200 workers 

Novomessor albisetosus - 60-75 workers

Camponotus sayi x2 - eggs

Camponotus discolor x34 - eggs

#9 Offline ANTdrew - Posted November 27 2024 - 2:14 PM


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Check this thread: https://www.formicul...t/?fromsearch=1
Boog raised the level of outworld decor to high art.
  • rptraut, AntsGodzilla and AntsTx like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tha decor style, camponotus, pennsylvanicus

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