Ants do not fly during hurricanes.
(PS - AntDude is not your enemy, though you seem to have set yourself up as his. How about just give it a rest?!)
James....the ever narcissistic academic. Great to hear more of your crap. What did you spend 3 years at Uni doing some half baked Science degree and now think somehow I have to listen to this. Not intimidated or impressed.
@James C. Trager:
Love how you singled out me as a racist, completely ignoring Servercheckers earlier extremely racist rant. In fact now I think about what Serverchecker said it is extremely offensive, he is basically stating he takes pride in speaking English better than a native speaker....and what other motive would he have for thinking like that than being racist himself, and so we finally see what antdudes little experiment was all about. You can't even see your own subconscious racism staring back at you....or perhaps if I had Penang, Malaysia as my location I would get a pass.
James and Mercuita you lose all credibility in my eyes. Play your little mod games on here, what do I care.
Oh and Severhecker do you honestly believe I would ever care about how I command English to allow it to be a definitive trait of my own self worth? You sound incredibly pathetic right now; like seriously get a life. Hows that for zero tolerance moron.
People like antdude should be put down. I'm glad he has damaged the hobby beyond repair, and you can't even see it. Such delusion doesn't deserve any sympathy. I guess I will say goodbye the only way ants know how....
1. A "Native English Speaker" is not a race, thus negating it being "racist". "Asian" is a race. Making generalizations about a person based on their ethnicity, or race like "Chinese" or "Malaysian" or "Asian" or "Black" is inherently racist. Making generalizations about "native English speaker" not racist because anyone can be a native English speaker despite apparent heritage or physical attributes or even geographic location. I am a native English speaker. I literally speak only English. I'm born and raised in Canada. I'm also Asian. Weird how that works eh?
2. You've blatantly been racist and yet you haven't seen how you've been racist makes me wonder if you actually know what racism is, sounds like, and looks like.
3. You mention before that countries like "Japan", etc were racist. Was anyone denying that people in other countries can't be racist? No. But here in North America, such generalizations and ignorance is not tolerated. Sorry for being so PC. If you are upset with how PC we are I'm sure there are many Australian ant forums that will gladly welcome you and your behaviour with open arms.
1. "Native Speaker" always has racist connotations to mean 'White Anglo Saxon', or I am sorry we are not even allowed to be called white because someone might get offended....what was that word again...oh yeah Caucasian. You know this, your cherry picking, grabbing for something to pin me down with, but you can't find anything cause you know deep down I am right. Sad. If you want weird, weird is that I can't meet an ethnic minority who is not racially centric or who can't talk without bringing their race into everything. It's like your all reading from the same script.
2. And you have been blatantly racist also. Your nitpicking now.
3. If that is not racist then I don't know what is.