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Hibernating ants

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21 replies to this topic

#21 Offline 1tsm3jack - Posted October 26 2024 - 4:31 PM


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Most of my ants are already kept at room temp, as I only have one heat pad, so they are just fine how they are then?

#22 Offline bmb1bee - Posted October 26 2024 - 5:32 PM


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So I shouldn't hibernate the Aphaenogaster, Monomorium, or Crematogaster? Or is it just take it or leave it with them?

Basically what ANTdrew said above. Myrmicines usually don't require hibernation and will be fine at room temperature or even heated throughout winter. Formicines like Camponotus (especially local ones that experience cold temperature in the wild) will almost always fare better with hibernation than without.

  • rptraut and 1tsm3jack like this

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