A friend sent me this small colony. I think they look very much like Crematogaster, but they are bigger than any other sp of Crematogaster I've known in the past.
1. Location of collection:
Near Mexico City.
2. Date of collection (more important for ID's of queens).
3. Habitat of collection (ie: desert scrub, oak forest, riparian, etc.).
4. Length (to the nearest millimeter or 1/16th of an inch.) Millimeters is preferred.
Queen a little more than 10 millimeters (around 11-12), workers like 2-3 mm.
5. Coloration, hue, pattern and texture (ie: dark redish-orange head, velvet-like gaster, translucent, hairy/bald, shiny/dull, etc.). Be as specific as possible, and you can use the diagram below if you need it.
Like shiny black, but with sunlight seems like they have a reddish/purplish coloration.
6. Distinguishing characteristics (ie: one petiole node/two petiole nodes, length and orientation of any spines or bumps on the thorax or waist, head shape, eye size, shape of mandibles, number of antennal segments, etc.)
Heart shaped gaster, slow moving, not show much stress for vibrations.