DAY -XX to DAY -8
i caught this p. californicus queen in June. i put some seeds in her syringe, and left it there for a long while. no pics available for that btw. and still, nothing. i knew she was eating the seeds, because she was still alive. so i assumed that p. californicus needed a lot more space. so i taped another syringe to the old syringe and kept the set up for a few months. until i found eggs. and mold.
so i decided to rip off the extension syringe, and attempt to move her into a test tube with substrate. but i noticed a weird odor from the substrate. and considering that the queen wasn’t interested in the substrate setup. so i put her into a different tube with no substrate, and this time i would force her to move. so i dumped her and all her eggs into the new tube and waited. until i accidentally shook her tube. the next time i checked on her, all the eggs were gone. and i haven’t checked on her since. the next time i check on her will be eight days from now.
but i also heard that p. californicus is tough at the founding stage, so ima find out how hard it is.
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