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Brachymyrmex Obscurior

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#1 Offline Evolver54 - Posted October 3 2024 - 6:35 AM



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  • LocationSouth Florida

I have had these guys for about a month now, and as of this post, we have 3 workers and 2 queens. They are in a test tube setup without water, planning on moving them. I found the 2nd queen on my way back home from the bus! Now the colony was doing well with 3 workers and 1 queen, but I added this new queen because why not, can't do any harm right? It's a good thing for them no matter what happens, they kill her? Free food! They accept her, more workers! Also, what should I name these tiny guys? I'll leave it up to you!

"A N T  S E E  A N T  D O"

-Some 12 year old in South Florida


Keeper of brachymyrmex sp.

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