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Elephant in the room: antdude

antdude grammar

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#21 Offline Trailandstreet - Posted September 14 2015 - 11:30 PM


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I don't have problems with antdude, despite my native language is not english! But what I don't like is, that nearly every second unread post is a correction from him and that makes the threads not better to follow.

I think, the grammar and the spelling here is much better than in german forums. Due to various dialects, which differ more from the standard german, than the dialects here do, the rules are more often broken.

One from the north, who talks "platt" will not be understood from one of central Germany and the same guy would not understand someone who speaks real bavarian. Ok, a normal Bavarian would not understand someone out of the deep Bavarian Forest.

:hi: Franz

if you find any mistakes, it's my autocorrection. it doesn't speak english.

#22 Offline Kit - Posted September 14 2015 - 11:46 PM


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Well it's hardly blowing a little insignificant thing out o proportion, the guy is trying to destroy this hobby by the sounds of it.


How can you not have a problem with the guy? Don't you get it, it has NEVER been about the grammer, the grammar is a non-issue. GOD!


Please mods delete this so that the antdude grammar rubbish does not contaminate this forum! Dismiss this topic of me trying to understand a nutcase as a newbie mistake. 

Edited by Kit, September 14 2015 - 11:46 PM.

#23 Offline Trailandstreet - Posted September 15 2015 - 3:38 AM


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The problem is not, that he corrects mistakes, it is that nearly quotes and corrects every little false apostrophe.

That makes, what i already said, these threads really confusing. Sometimes every third or more post is a correction and this is definitely not funny to read.


It's not how many likes you get, it's far you get without getting caught by the dude ;) :o :sore:

:hi: Franz

if you find any mistakes, it's my autocorrection. it doesn't speak english.

#24 Offline James C. Trager - Posted September 15 2015 - 4:01 AM

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"Methinks thou dost protest too much." (Now there's some old-timey grammar for you, but it's relevant.)

Full dislosure, I have been a moderator at Antdude's forum for years, and the three other moderators and I have actually gotten him to tone down his approach to grammar and spelling (a little), so the ant and ant care information can shine through. But, it's not going to go away, since he started the forum and does almost everything necessary to maintain it, and it's important to him. Antdude's forum was the first and for several years the only successful online ant forum, and it could be said honestly that he personally had a lot to do with promoting the hobby, his personality qwerks notwithstanding. He has put a lot of time and his own money into maintaining his forum, warts and all. Summing up, AntDude is hardly trying to "destroy the hobby". That is a personal reaction to his grammar obsession, and we are aware this reaction is shared by others. I know he can really put people off with that behavior, but one can also look beyond it, and everyone now has the option of going to this or other forums. 


PS - Grammar actually does matter, as it guides people to use a common, more easily understood way of expressing ideas. It's not a non-issue, but I think most agree that it shouldn't be as big an issue as AntDude makes it out to be, where it ends up as a derailing distraction more than helping people write better.

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#25 Offline Mercutia - Posted September 15 2015 - 5:23 AM


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The reason why I moved this topic is it does not actually pertain to the ant keeping hobby. I feel, and probably share this feeling with others, that this thread is a rant thread about a member of the ant keeping community.


While many of us have disagreed with the way things might be run on antfarm.yuku, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that antdude has been a very influential participant of the anting community. Up until a point, antfarm was the longest standing successful ant forum on the internet fuelled a lot during its conception with real money provided by antdude. After time, antdude opened the donations to the community to keep the forum ad free (though I imagine right now there are ads on it).


No one here is putting him on a pedestal. I think everyone gives him the respect he is entitled to. Is he an easy person to try and get a long with? Not necessarily. But it can't be denied that he has had the most successful long standing ant forum on the net to date.


We get it, you don't like his grammar nazi-ing. Which is why a lot of people have migrated from there seeing as there are a lot more viable and aesthetically pleasing options. But I wouldn't discredit everything he's done to build the community.

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#26 Offline Crystals - Posted September 15 2015 - 6:35 AM


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Antfarm is a good location to keep my grammar and spelling up to date, which is good in my field of work.  He may go a bit over board, but it is his forum.  When I started ant keeping, it was the only North American forum out there and I learned a lot on it.  I still use it for reference.


We argue over grammar on an ant forum, and some African countries are arguing about legalizing cannibalism...  :lol:


Oddly enough, Kit, I think only one of your posts have not been a complaint or contained something negative. :thinking:

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#27 Offline Servercheck - Posted September 15 2015 - 6:57 AM


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These kind of discussions come out every once in a while on forums and chat rooms alike... 


My opinion is that antdude is free to do what he wants cause it's his forum. If anyone can't stand it, they are free to find another forum. But even if you find another forum, it's pretty hard not to return to his forum to look for certain information.


But one thing I don't get is why people can't type properly... I fully understand those who don't learn English at school or don't communicate in English often, but for those who learn or speak English, there shouldn't be any excuse not to type properly unless the keyboard is broken. I'm from Malaysia, so English definitely isn't the main language and I don't speak it with my friends either, but still I can type without much difficulties. I've been on antdude's forum for around 3 or 4 years, and I'm not kidding when I say I can count with my fingers the number of times antdude corrected me. 

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#28 Offline Kit - Posted September 15 2015 - 6:59 AM


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Oddly enough, Kit, I think only one of your posts have not been a complaint or contained something negative. :thinking:

I don't really understand that statement. Have you ever seen antdude write something positive? Ever thought perhaps reading all that negativity rubbed off on me?


Anyway this forum has way too many mods, and I can't stay in a place where antdude is seen as a pioneer. Heaps of forums come and go, a lot of my hobbies first forums are all long gone- it doesn't mean anything. Growing sentimental about forums is not my thing anymore.


Plus I am starting to get the impression antdude exemplifies a common disposition found within the anting community, which is sad. All this emphasis on correct grammar by academics, get over yourselves. A 3 year science degree and a little cartoon physics in the form of chemistry and somehow I have to listen to this rubbish. Goodbye.

#29 Offline Kit - Posted September 15 2015 - 7:02 AM


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These kind of discussions come out every once in a while on forums and chat rooms alike... 


My opinion is that antdude is free to do what he wants cause it's his forum. If anyone can't stand it, they are free to find another forum. But even if you find another forum, it's pretty hard not to return to his forum to look for certain information.


But one thing I don't get is why people can't type properly... I fully understand those who don't learn English at school or don't communicate in English often, but for those who learn or speak English, there shouldn't be any excuse not to type properly unless the keyboard is broken. I'm from Malaysia, so English definitely isn't the main language and I don't speak it with my friends either, but still I can type without much difficulties. I've been on antdude's forum for around 3 or 4 years, and I'm not kidding when I say I can count with my fingers the number of times antdude corrected me. 

Oh get over your self. This is clearly a cultural difference. It's an asian thing. Asian students study and carry on like idiots about study, while 'white' students are a ton more relaxed. That is all this is about, antdude has an inferiority complex because of his heritage. And so has to penalize native English speakers while making exceptions for non-native speakers. It's clear as a bell to me. Good riddance.

#30 Offline Servercheck - Posted September 15 2015 - 7:14 AM


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Haha, now you're being racist just because you can't get over the fact that your English sucks when compared to some kid who is Asian? That's laughable. I'm glad a pathetic person like you who can't even type your mother tongue properly  won't be on the forum anymore.


By the way, how many languages do you know? I can write and speak 4 languages and speak 1 dialect, and yet have a better command of English when typing on a keyboard than someone who probably learnt everything in English since birth. Shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself? In my opinion, you're the one who has inferiority complex.


Sorry, but I have zero-tolerance for people who bring racism into discussions completely unrelated to one's race. 

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#31 Offline Foogoo - Posted September 15 2015 - 8:36 AM


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As someone on his forum once suggested, "If you don't like how he runs things, then leave." So I took his advice and left, don't need any additional stress in my life.  :P


I only glanced through this thread but I suggest we all grab some Otterpops and chill out. Most people already think I'm weird for keeping ants to begin with, no need to start in-fighting and making enemies within ourselves. 


I think War and Smashmouth said it best:

Why can't we be friends?

Why can't we be friends?

Why can't we be friends?

Why can't we be friends?

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#32 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 15 2015 - 8:58 AM

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I love Otterpops.

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#33 Offline Barristan - Posted September 15 2015 - 9:11 AM


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I also got really annoyed by his grammar and spell corrections... So I decided not to post anything there anymore.

I think this forum is now far more active than ant farm yuku that speaks for itself.

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#34 Offline Bigb - Posted September 15 2015 - 9:12 AM


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I like cereal.

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#35 Offline Mercutia - Posted September 15 2015 - 9:56 AM


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Oddly enough, Kit, I think only one of your posts have not been a complaint or contained something negative. :thinking:

I don't really understand that statement. Have you ever seen antdude write something positive? Ever thought perhaps reading all that negativity rubbed off on me?


Anyway this forum has way too many mods, and I can't stay in a place where antdude is seen as a pioneer. Heaps of forums come and go, a lot of my hobbies first forums are all long gone- it doesn't mean anything. Growing sentimental about forums is not my thing anymore.


Plus I am starting to get the impression antdude exemplifies a common disposition found within the anting community, which is sad. All this emphasis on correct grammar by academics, get over yourselves. A 3 year science degree and a little cartoon physics in the form of chemistry and somehow I have to listen to this rubbish. Goodbye.


As a moderator both here and on antfarm, I know he does positively contribute to conversations about ants. Instead of insinuating that his "negativity" has some how rubbed off on you, how about you take responsibility for your own actions and behaviours.


The level of racism and ignorance you've portrayed here is unacceptable.


This thread is being locked to prevent further harmful and meaningless discussion.

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