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Nuptial flights becoming rarer

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#21 Offline mbullock42086 - Posted November 4 2024 - 3:16 PM


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I live in SoCal and only found Forelius, Dorymyrmex, and Liometopum in Black Star Canyon, having been there twice in September evenings. According to iNaturalist, antmaps.org, and dspdrew's "Southern California Ants", there is much higher diversity there, including species like Camponotus us-ca02, Prenolepis imparisFormica moki, and Tapinoma sessile. Most observations there were pretty recent, too. Was I missing something or were there just no ants there?

   wrong time of year for several of those.  P imparis is an early springtime flier, along with liometopum, summertime for forelius and dorymyrmex.  CA 02 is not rainfall triggered, they're active march-april and sometimes january during heatwaves caused by offshore flow.

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