Hi, you can buy Tetramorium queens from this store. Shipping is only in California, and you can buy them at this link: https://hymenocraft.company.site/
The shipping details are all there, and basically it will take around 1 week for them to arrive. For an additional cost, you can ship them via USPS Priority Mail Express, which will take 3 days. If they arrive dead, it is a 70% refund excluding shipping if you send a picture with 24 hours of their arrival. Hope you enjoy them, and since there are only 2 now for sale, they will run out soon. You can email me at zacharia.bahcivan@gmail.com
(This is a new post I made from an older version which wouldn't allow me to edit and delete pictures of the ants correctly.)
Tetramorium Immigrans (Pavement Ants) - 0 in stock
Not Available
$5 for each colony. Shipping varies based on area within state.
Stinging: Yes, but mild.
Hibernation: Not necessary.
Polymorphic: No.
Size: Small
Difficulty: Beginner

Edited by Zeko, September 28 2024 - 11:19 AM.