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Camponotus Planatus

camponotusplanatus carpenterant camponotus compact carpenter ant florida

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#1 Offline CJsAntStuff - Posted August 12 2024 - 9:51 AM



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This will be the record of a Camponotus Planatus Queen I found. I saw that they were also called the Compact Carpenter Ant. I'm pretty sure about all that anyways.

I spread out some plastic to do some painting at a customer's house, and there she was. Right in the middle of the plastic. I ran and grabbed a little vial to put her in.

I put her in a test tube and stuck her in a box. Here is were we stand up to date. 


6/21/24 = Found her today at work.



6/29/24 = In her test tube. It looks like there are a couple of little eggs in there.



7/6/24 = I can count 5 eggs in there.



7/13/24 = It looks like a couple of larva are developing.



7/28/24 = A couple of pupae and more eggs have hatched into larva.



8/3/24 = More pupae and a new little egg at the bottom.



8/10/24 = So I get out the test tube to take my weekly pictures and (queue the religious music or Ode To Joy)... One worker helping the queen clean off another worker. I have video too.



I'll make updates as things progress or if something unusual happens.


  • Karma, RushmoreAnts, Ants_Dakota and 3 others like this

#2 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted August 12 2024 - 10:12 AM


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This will be the record of a Camponotus Planatus Queen I found. I saw that they were also called the Compact Carpenter Ant. I'm pretty sure about all that anyways.

I spread out some plastic to do some painting at a customer's house, and there she was. Right in the middle of the plastic. I ran and grabbed a little vial to put her in.

I put her in a test tube and stuck her in a box. Here is were we stand up to date. 


6/21/24 = Found her today at work.



6/29/24 = In her test tube. It looks like there are a couple of little eggs in there.



7/6/24 = I can count 5 eggs in there.



7/13/24 = It looks like a couple of larva are developing.



7/28/24 = A couple of pupae and more eggs have hatched into larva.



8/3/24 = More pupae and a new little egg at the bottom.



8/10/24 = So I get out the test tube to take my weekly pictures and (queue the religious music or Ode To Joy)... One worker helping the queen clean off another worker. I have video too.



I'll make updates as things progress or if something unusual happens.

What a cool species! The color and expecially the thorax pattern reminds me of parasitic formica, which is interesting, considering how unrelated they are.

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Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

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#3 Offline zenpi314 - Posted August 13 2024 - 7:58 AM



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Hi, thank you for posting about Camponotus planatus.

I have been looking this whole season for a planatus queen, but did not find any.

Found lots of other species. Even kept a wild colony of planatus in my outside workbench.

They nested in the rim of the drawers.

I was hoping for a nuptial flight from them, but one evening a large colony of pheidole killed them all, and stole their brood.

I was so upset.

So please keep us posted on your queen.

  • CJsAntStuff likes this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotusplanatus, carpenterant, camponotus, compact carpenter ant, florida

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