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Owl's (used to be polygynous) Formica subsericea

41 replies to this topic

#41 Online OwlThatLikesAnts - Posted Yesterday, 5:36 AM


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What nest are they in? Could I see a picture of the whole setup?

A 3d printed setup using a Pringles lid, they used to nest all over the place but then they decided the main area was the bottom chamber, the reason there is tooth picks is because I used to put honey on the toothpicks and they decided they will drag the whole thing into the nest and eat like mad. The substrate pile on the top chamber is the pupating area and the middle chamber is where they would occasionally place the pupa because it is dry.


The nest:



Currently keeping:


1x Formica subsericea, 20+ workers + a decently sized brood pile (35-40)

1x Crematogaster cerasi 3 workers with brood (been going all winter)


*As you watch your ants march, remember that every thing begins with a small step and continued by diligence and shared dreams*

-A.T (Me)


#42 Online OwlThatLikesAnts - Posted Yesterday, 5:40 AM


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The colony is looking really good! Keep power feeding them and you will have a large colony in no time.

They eat literally everything that I put in the outworld so far, so that is not a problem. They are literally eating a 2 week old egg yolk chunk right now, before the egg yolk was just an appetizer now it is their main course.


(OH! And just as I am writing this a worker is sipping honey)

Currently keeping:


1x Formica subsericea, 20+ workers + a decently sized brood pile (35-40)

1x Crematogaster cerasi 3 workers with brood (been going all winter)


*As you watch your ants march, remember that every thing begins with a small step and continued by diligence and shared dreams*

-A.T (Me)


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