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Antscali's Neat Novomesor cockerelli

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#1 Offline AntsCali098 - Posted March 23 2025 - 5:16 PM


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  • LocationLong Beach, California (SoCal)
I've had this colony for awhile now, so this is an overdue journal. I've always been fond of this species. They are large ants that grow quickly, which is a great combination.

I bought them when they had 5 or 6 workers, and they quickly lost a few likely due to stress during shipping. Thankfully, they've been able to fully recover in the few months I've had them. They are now up to 40 or so workers, with some pupae and small larvae.

Another reason why I love this colony is how good of a feeding response they have. They instantly come out to eat, and sometimes I even see them drag a mealworm inside the nest pretty quickly. They eat almost like a pack of wolves.

The queen also seems like a good one, as she laid eggs soon after the colony arrived, which helped recover the colony. They are still on their original nest, but I expect them to need an expansion relatively soon!

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Atta sp (wish they were in CA), Crematogaster cerasi, Most Pheidole species



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