Photo Update:
I know it has only a couple hours since I’ve updated but I just peeked into my Formica’s nest and I was like “WHAT IN THE FLIPPING FLAPPY IS THAT” It turns out that my Formica have hunted, captured, and killed something that somehow got into the nest, the nest it completely sealed off and nothing can get in or out, but sometimes when I am feeding my ants I like to leave the outworld open because for now they are good behaving ants and they do not want to escape.
Now that I am looking in their nest, it seems that they have seized a silver fish of some sort but they have definitely ripped it to shreds and I can’t find any body parts.
This is a photo of last week when they decided to give me a good shot of their brood pile, they really like to lay eggs when they have an abundance of proteins and nice living conditions, I have also began to notice that whenever I change the cotton in their humidifier/water feeder in their nest, they like to rip most of it to shreds and keep just enough so that they can drink from the humidifier.
This is a photo of them right now, the brood pile hasn’t grown too much and you can also see the “silverfish” in this photo, they really seem to be proud like a bunch of hunters that just took down a giant bear, they also seem to really enjoy eating the silverfish itself
Currently keeping:
1x Formica subsericea, 20+ workers + a decently sized brood pile (35-40)
1x Crematogaster cerasi 3 workers with brood (been going all winter)
*As you watch your ants march, remember that every thing begins with a small step and continued by diligence and shared dreams*
-A.T (Me)