On May 18, 2016 I found a small colony of these guys under a flower pot and among the brood and various workers, I found the Queen as well. I picked up the Queen and put her in a test tube and then collected as many workers and brood as possible. Then I put them all into a small tub and made a solution of vegetable oil, water, and peppermint as a fluon substitute since I knew that it was difficult for ants to climb vegetable oil, and I knew that they wouldn't cross peppermint. I put this along the rim of the tub and they didn't get out, but about half the workers died after a few days which I suspect is because of the peppermint. So I made a formicarium, copying a bit of Drew's design and Dr. Rebecca Clark's design with the whole sponge wicking moisture up from bottom container thing. I made an outworld and filled it with dirt, I plan on planting some of my plants in it later. I gathered some more workers and put them in the outworld where they skeptically met back up with the queen. Now, the queen and workers have decided to move the brood into the tube connecting outworld to main chamber and that is where the queen is laying eggs. Any rate, here's my colony.
Edited by Here for the honeypots, May 23 2016 - 8:41 AM.