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NotAxo's C. Parius (Double) Journal

camponotus parius golden beauty active

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#1 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 3 2024 - 5:29 AM


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Hello readers, welcome to my journal documenting the progress of both of my founding colonies of C. Parius ants.

Updates :

C. Parius 01 :
1Q, 7W


The colony is thriving; they have a few eggs and a large batch of small larvae. They are fascinating to observe, showing great care for their brood. Although they don't mind bright lights shining on them, they do momentarily tense up.


I recently moved them from a 12x150mm test tube to a new 15x200mm test tube. They seem to appreciate the extra space, arranging the brood neatly across a larger area. One of the nanitics is consistently found at the test tube opening, adjusting the cotton.


I've decided against keeping them in an outworld for extended periods. Instead, I open the cotton for feeding, close it once they're done, and remove any debris outside.


I've also constructed a makeshift mini hearth in the style of THA, which will take about 3 weeks to cure. By then, they should be ready for relocation. Currently, they have 4 pupae, a dozen hatched larvae, and a few eggs.

C. Parius 02 :
1Q, 1W

There hasn't been much change with the colonies recently. A nanitic was born yesterday, and the queen still has 4-5 more pupae, so they should have up to 4 nanitics in about a week and a half. Overall, they are doing well.

Edited by NotAxo, July 20 2024 - 6:40 AM.

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#2 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 4 2024 - 4:15 AM


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I've encountered an issue with the mini hearth I built—it's open on one side and remains dark unless I shine direct light into it. This could potentially bother the ants. Additionally, there's a small discrepancy in the mold preventing me from removing the water tower easily.
I've decided to scrap this nest and start fresh with a new design. To address the lighting problem, I'll ensure that two sides are open. Instead of a traditional water tower, I'll include connections for water test tubes and extension ports on each side. Creating a perfect water tower has proven difficult and cleaning it has been a challenge.
The new formicarium will be primarily dry, except for water vapor from the tubes, which should make it more resistant to mold. I'll also design it to allow the ants to store some food without causing me too much trouble.
The new design will be single-layered with a small outworld as the upper portion. Unlike my current setup, there won't be a separate outworld; instead, it will have two layers similar to a nucleus setup.
Despite these setbacks, the ants are doing well. Today, they enjoyed a full-sized cricket, and they seem quite happy.

Edited by NotAxo, July 20 2024 - 6:39 AM.

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#3 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 10 2024 - 7:47 AM


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Updates :


C. parius 01 :


The colony is thriving remarkably well. The 8th nanitic emerged earlier this week, marking the first ant from the second batch of eggs. More are expected to eclose soon, although I haven't been able to provide good protein sources for them lately. However, I've managed to persuade my dad to buy 250 mealworms, which I'll be raising not just for the ants. They should arrive later this month or in a few weeks.
This week, there have been 2 new pupations, but unfortunately, this is only the third batch of eggs, and they seem to be growing slower than I'd like. I'm a bit disappointed with myself at the moment. Here is a good picture of them:


C. parius 01
The queen is rather shy, but she becomes quite fierce if I poke a tweezer or anything else into the tube.


C. parius 02 :


This colony is progressing well, and I anticipate around 4 new nanitics emerging in the next 2 weeks. Currently, there are 4 workers, but they seem a bit messy. The water in the tube is turning yellow fast, yet they are reluctant to relocate. There aren't many eggs yet since they haven't received their first meal. Despite these challenges, I'm optimistic about the colony's future!


C.parius 02
As you can see here, this queen absolutely loves being the center of attention!

Edited by NotAxo, July 20 2024 - 6:41 AM.

  • Karma, SYUTEO and Full_Frontal_Yeti like this

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#4 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 10 2024 - 7:48 AM


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Oh, I didn't see that tiny batch of eggs in the background of the 01 queen! i count maybe about 5-6 eggs.


Also, looking from the macro photo, I think the pupa in the foreground to the right is slightly larger than the rest. Will it be our first real worker!?

Edited by NotAxo, July 10 2024 - 7:49 AM.

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#5 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 12 2024 - 10:36 PM


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Here's a collection of photos from both of my C. parius colonies. I hope you enjoy them! :D


C. parius 01:


Here's a pair of family photos :






They have about 10 eggs, 18 larvae (including newly hatched and larger larvae), and 7 pupae. One of the pupae should have emerged by now. The colony is very active these days. I've provided them with thick roach limbs as food.


There are 3 workers regularly foraging in the outworld. They diligently keep their gasters filled with the sugar water I provide.

Yesterday, when I gave them the roach limbs, I placed one inside their tube, as shown in the photo above. The ants became very excited and quickly moved the limb near the brood. The queen seemed confused by the situation and began spraying formic acid on the limb. This behavior spread to the workers, and all 5 of them started spraying as well.


However, one worker soon realized the limb needed to be moved and quickly took action. They then began working diligently, carrying bits of muscle from the roach limb near the brood.


Here are a few photos of the foraging worker inspecting the remaining limbs:






C. parius 02 :


Let's start off with the family photo! :




In the photo, you can see the queen's striking gaster. She's truly a remarkable queen. Recently, I transitioned the colony into a tubs n' tubes setup for feeding. Surprisingly, they moved out of the test tube and relocated to a corner of the tub. I was amazed, especially since they had previously refused to move when I tried to give them a new, clean test tube directly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I provided them with a new test tube. Before introducing the new tube, I took some crystal-clear photos of them.


Here's a few more photos of the queen and brood :






Currently, the colony has 7 eggs, 8 larvae, and 2 remaining pupae. Despite my initial reluctance to offer them a new test tube, I placed a roach limb near their setup. The workers were not aggressive but seemed content with the food source. They promptly chopped up pieces of the limb and carried them to the brood. 
Upon checking later, I found that they had moved the limb to the diagonal opposite side of the tub. Encouraged by this behavior, I then offered them the clean test tube. Gradually, they started moving into it, which was a reassuring development.

Attached Images

  • IMG_0005.JPG

Edited by NotAxo, July 20 2024 - 6:37 AM.

  • Karma and Ernteameise like this

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#6 Offline NotAxo - Posted July 19 2024 - 4:58 AM


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C. parius 01 :

9W, 1Q



The colony is thriving overall, although there have been a couple of issues with newly hatched nanitics disappearing without a trace. Despite this, the colony now has 9 workers, with more on the way. I convinced my dad to order a batch of 250 mealworms, which will arrive soon, ensuring a steady protein supply going forward. I've noticed worker divisions forming within the small colony and I find myself captivated watching them for hours.


One of the first nanitics injured its leg slightly upon hatching, and since then, she has been seen walking with the damaged leg raised. Surprisingly, she has become the primary explorer of new food sources, spending about 75% of her time in the outworld. The next three oldest workers consistently stand guard at the test tube entrance. The queen remains atop the growing brood pile, while the newest workers diligently rearrange the brood. The injured worker never seems to have a fully filled gaster and remains active with only half of it filled. The guards, new workers, and queen all exhibit behavior similar to repletes in the colony.


Recently, the queen laid a fresh batch of eggs, which were deposited yesterday and today.










C. parius 02 :

6W, 1Q


This colony is progressing a bit slower compared to the 01 colony. I prioritize feeding the 01 colony first and then provide the leftovers to this one. The queen occasionally lays an egg or two, but I realize I need to start increasing their protein intake soon.




Here's a few photos of the colony and a portrait of her majesty





Edited by NotAxo, July 20 2024 - 6:43 AM.

  • Karma and Full_Frontal_Yeti like this

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

#7 Offline NotAxo - Posted August 2 2024 - 11:40 PM


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C. parius 01 :


These gals are doing wonderfully and growing quickly. The colony now has 15 workers. Unfortunately, my favorite ant—the one with the damaged leg she used to hold straight up—passed away last week. They currently have about 18 eggs, around 6 larvae, and approximately 10 pupae.


I gave them a dead mealworm earlier, and here's what transpired:


When I put the dead mealworm in the colony, the ants immediately took interest. A few curious workers were the first to check it out, and soon more joined in. They started biting and tugging at the mealworm, and some began spraying formic acid to protect their find. After a bit of wrangling, they managed to break it down into smaller chunks. The ants then carried the pieces back to their nest and settled in for a hearty meal.


Here's a photo of them :




C. parius 02 :


This colony is keeping pace with the other, though their worker count has dropped to 7 due to an unexpected loss. Despite this, they're progressing well, with more pupae and around a dozen eggs. I'll be focusing on boosting their protein intake throughout the week.


Here's a photo of them :



Edited by NotAxo, August 2 2024 - 11:41 PM.

  • Artisan_Ants likes this

Currently raising : C. Parius (2x), C. Vitiosus (2x), Carebara Diversa (1x), C. irratians (2x), M. brunnea (1x)

Have raised : Solenopsis

Enjoy anting, NotAxo :D

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, parius, golden, beauty, active

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