Does anyone know any books/documentary about ants? It can either be fiction or non-fiction. It would better if it was educational.
So far, ant books I've read are: Tales from the ant world by Edward O. Willison, The Ants by Bernard Werber, Empire of Ants by Susanne Foitzik and Olaf Fritsche, and Chrysalis by RinoZ(it's a web book with very game-fantasy theme)
Documentaries I've watched are: Planet Ant (where they talk about Atta), Lord of the Ants, A documentary about formica mound ant supercolony narrated by David Attenbourgh(can't remember the title), Unstoppable Invaders(solenopsis invicta), and Best of Ants BBC. Also all "documentaries" made by Ants Australlia(now called Jordan Dean. I 100% recommend his channel if you haven't heard of it. His videos are so high-quality).
Thank you!