I have a P. californicus tube colony in which brood never seems to fully develop. The larvae always reach pupae but then die shortly after due to weird reasons. One time the pupae had *just* eclosed but then spontaneously died and dried out and was shoved in a corner, another time the pupae started turning blue and then shriveled up because of a fungus. Just weird random things happening. The queen and two nanitic workers have a tiny pile of eggs that don't seem to have developed much in the weeks I've had them. I don't get if it's something I'm doing wrong or what, but I know I am going to an area today that I have seen lots of Pogonomyrmex living in, and I got to thinking: If I dig up a few of the brood of a single wild colony, would I be able to brood boost my captive one just so that they have more workers to care for the eggs and forage. Would doing this possibly have my eggs/ larvae/ pupae survive better? How would I go about brood boosting, as I am still relatively new to the hobby. It's very frustrating to lose the two things without having them develop fully.
Edited by klawfran3, September 6 2015 - 6:37 AM.