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Central New York , May 14th, 5:00 PM

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#1 Offline Antperson31 - Posted May 14 2024 - 2:09 PM



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Hello everyone, This is my first time ant keeping and I just caught a queen ant.  If I had to take a guess it would probably be camponotus noveboricas,

but I may be wrong. Anyways, I caught it in my driveway and I live in the central New York area (near Syracuse). As listed in the title I caught it on May 14th at 5:00 PM.  She most likely came from the field that I live very close to or the forest that is next to that field. I am not sure about the length as I couldn't find a ruler at the time, but I do have pictures of her compared to a 2.5 inches x 3.5 inches playing card. As shown in the photos below she is red and black (she might not look it in that photo but she is). Other than being very large, there aren't too many distinguishing characteristics although she was quite energetic and fast. I am not sure when she flew, but I imagine that it was probably around 3 or 4 as it was quite nice then.  Also do not worry, I have since moved her to a proper test tube setup instead of the test tube with a cork.






(Sorry about the bad photos my phones camera isn't very good.)

Thanks in advance,

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Edited by Antperson31, May 14 2024 - 2:11 PM.

#2 Offline Artisan_Ants - Posted May 14 2024 - 5:04 PM


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Seems too small to be C. novaeboracensis as their queen size is fairly similar to that of a C. chromaiodes in which I keep a colony so I know how their queens look like (I’ve also seen them in nuptials flights so yeah). For a fact I doubt C. Novaeboracensis but it’s not like it can’t be novaeborocensis at all. Yes this genus is definitely Camponotus that’s for sure. C. Nearcticus and C. Caryae look especially similar to this one but C. Nearcticus is a darker jet black color which this one isn’t as I see a small bit of red tint to the thorax and to the abdomen. Is the queen’s thorax fully red as that it a clear indicator of C. Novaeboracensis if it is and that would be helpful as these pictures are pretty blurry like you mentioned. I do keep nearcticus but I do not keep caryae. One thing I know about C. Nearcticus is that their abdomens are lean and thin unlike this one’s which is round like any other camponotus queen’s gaster. Overall this genus is definitely Camponotus and It might be caryae but I’m not too sure on that one. Camponotus here is the best way to go.


3x - S. molesta (colonies and single queen)                1x - C. nearcticus (founding but no eggs)   (y) New!

1x - C. chromaiodes (colony)                                       1x - C. subbarbatus (founding)  

1x - F. subsericea (founding)                                        1x - T. sessile (mega colony)

3x - P. imparis (colonies)  

2x - L. neoniger (founding)


Check out my C. nearcticus journal here: https://www.formicul...cticus-journal/

Check out my C. chromaiodes journal here: https://www.formicul...aiodes-journal/

#3 Offline Antperson31 - Posted May 15 2024 - 2:51 AM



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Thank you so much, I will try to get better photos sometime and post them here as soon as I have time.

Thank you so much,
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