6th September 2024
First week of school, got hit with typhoon...
Strumigenys exilirhina
1Q, 15W (2mm ants)
They were gifted to me by Leo. This is the second species of strumi that I will keep. The first species unfortunately perished as I forgot to water them... sad

As many strumigenys goes, they eat springtails. I noticed them putting the prey on the larvae, much like Ponerinae ants.
Polyrhachis peetersi
1Q, (10mm).
Caught her during university orientation camp outside the window of my accommodation. Not a species you see frequently. So far no eggs.

Polyrhachis fellowesi
1Q, (14mm)
Out of all the Myrma subgenus polys here, this species is the most unique (the competition is non-existant actually).

This is one of the larger species here, workers are not often seen and queens are very rare.
Like the average poly queen, she is not laying eggs (and being very skittish). I was also tasked to find out their nesting habits, aka, if they weave nests or not.
Size comparision with peetersi.

Harpegnathos venator
1Q, 16W
An ant that needs no introduction. I purchased the colony as I had 0 luck finding any queens.
Here is the queen with her pile of brood.

Odontomachus silvestrii
1Q (14mm)
A very lanky speices of trap jaw. They seem to fly the day before a rainstorm. I went out on such day and bam, queen.
No eggs yet as that is likely due to me not feeding her frequently. Trap jaws need almost daily feeding, O.simillimus would know.
She is affectionately called "Lankymachus", together with P.fellowesi as "Lankyrhachis", they form the Lanky Duo.

Leptogenys rufida
1Q, 30W (5mm ants)
On the small side of the scale for leptos, their red colour is what stands out. They are also my first lepto colony. It is good that they are generalists, happily accepting roaches.

This is the ergatoid, notice the larger abdomen.

Centromyrmex feae
She is quite the odd one. Seeming ignoring termites but the larvae continues to grow...but the larvae do eat, I saw them munching on termites I shoved into the chamber.
I guess if it works, don't touch it.

Myopopone castanea
1Q, (14mm)
A fairly large Amblyoponinae at 14mm. She is doing the same as centro but worse. Also unsure why she hasn't cleaned off the dirt on herself.

I was advised by another keeper to change to a wood substrate to facilitate the pupation of the larvae.
She does have a good pile of eggs, but they are taking their time to hatch. Also that larva isn't growing...

Colobopsis minus
One founding queen died but all others are thriving. These 2 queens are doing excellent.

Colobopsis minus x sp. And here comes the bombshell.
2Q, 1W

The black queen could be C.vitrea but I am unsure.
Back when I only had the black queen, I already had this thought of putting the queens together. However, I thought the C.sp was only just a dark morph for minus.
It wasn't until I caught minus that I found out they are 2 different species, with Sp. being larger than minus (12mm vs 10mm).

Still, that didn't stop me from mixing them with acetone. At first they just seemed to be "mere roommates", both not really caring about each other.

Now with one worker and a bunch more to come, I am very excited to tell you more about their progress.
Well that is a long update. After all I have to clear some backlog. Hope you have enjoyed it and see you next time.