Edited by Culture321, April 26 2024 - 9:11 PM.
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Edited by Culture321, April 26 2024 - 9:11 PM.
1. where are you from you need to put your location in your profile
2. there are l no jumping jacks in the usa and you would need permits.
Edited by GOCAMPONOTUS, June 24 2024 - 4:26 PM.
Currently keeping: 2 C.vicinus colonies.2 C.sansabeanus. 1 C.leavissimus. 2 C.Ca02. 1 V.pergandei. 4 T.immigrans.1 F.pacifica. 1 C.hyatti
1 M.ergatognya
Trying to get my hands on :C.modoc,A.vercicolor, and Any Honeypots
User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
“Atta texana” is legal in Texas, and jumping jacks are legal nowhere in the U.S. since they are from Australia. If you want a permit, apply for a PPQ 526 at the APHIS eFile website.Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
Edited by The_Gaming-gate, May 1 2024 - 11:39 AM.
Ants are small creatures... but together... they can rule the world.
“Atta texana” is legal in Texas, and jumping jacks are legal nowhere in the U.S. since they are from Australia. If you want a permit, apply for a PPQ 526 at the APHIS eFile website.Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
Not currently, they should be in season by late summer or early fall. If you apply for a permit now you may be able to get them in time.“Atta texana” is legal in Texas, and jumping jacks are legal nowhere in the U.S. since they are from Australia. If you want a permit, apply for a PPQ 526 at the APHIS eFile website.Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
Do you know anyone that has some?
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Not currently, they should be in season by late summer or early fall. If you apply for a permit now you may be able to get them in time.Do you know anyone that has some?“Atta texana” is legal in Texas, and jumping jacks are legal nowhere in the U.S. since they are from Australia. If you want a permit, apply for a PPQ 526 at the APHIS eFile website.Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
Not currently, they should be in season by late summer or early fall. If you apply for a permit now you may be able to get them in time.
Do you know anyone that has some?
“Atta texana” is legal in Texas, and jumping jacks are legal nowhere in the U.S. since they are from Australia. If you want a permit, apply for a PPQ 526 at the APHIS eFile website.
Thank you. Do you know where it's legal to keep in the US and do you know where I can get a permit?User Ftorres may have Acromyrmex if you send a PM. The other two species are exotic, illegal to keep without permits and virtually impossible to get permits for.
What about the Attas? Do you know anyone and do you know anyone who got Rugosus Queens right now for cheap? Ty
You aren't going to be able to buy Atta queens this time of year, and they wouldn't be fertile anyways. Good news is the permits take so long to fill out, that by time they are accepted you can buy a nanitic colony.
Edited by The_Gaming-gate, May 3 2024 - 7:59 PM.
Ants are small creatures... but together... they can rule the world.
What about the Attas? Do you know anyone and do you know anyone who got Rugosus Queens right now for cheap? Ty
I wouldn't buy any Atta or rugosus queens at this time of year. They should all have colonies right now and any single queens still left are mostly infertile. Just wait till their season arrives. If you want P. rugosus colonies, try checking AntopiaUSA.com for some.
On another note, try for a PPQ-526 permit regarding Atta. The process is only a couple months and you'll almost definitely have one in time for their season. And give up on Myrmecia (jumping jacks). The latter are impossible to get here in the US.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
What's a nanitic colony? Do you mean for the jumping jacks or the Attas? What about the Pogomyrmex Rugosus Queens? Do you know anybody that has them? Ty.
Nanitics are a queen ant's first group of workers. This applies to all species that have the worker caste. Regarding jumping jacks, Atta, and P. rugosus, see my previous post above.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
3x - S. molesta (colonies and single queen) 1x - C. nearcticus (founding but no eggs) New!
1x - C. chromaiodes (colony) 1x - C. subbarbatus (founding)
1x - F. subsericea (founding) 1x - T. sessile (mega colony)
3x - P. imparis (colonies)
2x - L. neoniger (founding)
Check out my C. nearcticus journal here: https://www.formicul...cticus-journal/
Check out my C. chromaiodes journal here: https://www.formicul...aiodes-journal/
I threw some seeds in the nest already. The two pupae didn't make it when I got the queen in the mail. Can't find the eggs, don't know where they went. Do you know if they need water? I got a byFormica 3ml in the Out World. Only one worker drinking with the Queen. Do you think she'll be fine and how long until she lays more if eggs are gone? Ty.Feed them seeds and they will do better. Pogonomyrmex usually don’t get stressed through shipping too easily right? I so then that’s probably the case as the workers don’t need the seeds but the larvae do. As long as the queen is alive (like you mentioned not course) and there is still brood present she and her worker can make a comeback but only if you provide seeds (seeds of which include dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass and from what Ik that’s pretty much it). There are many more seeds choices you can pick.
I threw some seeds in the nest already. The two pupae didn't make it when I got the queen in the mail. Can't find the eggs, don't know where they went. Do you know if they need water? I got a byFormica 3ml in the Out World. Only one worker drinking with the Queen. Do you think she'll be fine and how long until she lays more if eggs are gone? Ty.Feed them seeds and they will do better. Pogonomyrmex usually don’t get stressed through shipping too easily right? I so then that’s probably the case as the workers don’t need the seeds but the larvae do. As long as the queen is alive (like you mentioned not course) and there is still brood present she and her worker can make a comeback but only if you provide seeds (seeds of which include dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass and from what Ik that’s pretty much it). There are many more seeds choices you can pick.
The nest should have came with water in it (assuming it's a test-tube) and if not I don't know if I'd buy from that seller anymore. They need the water.
Ants are small creatures... but together... they can rule the world.
I threw some seeds in the nest already. The two pupae didn't make it when I got the queen in the mail. Can't find the eggs, don't know where they went. Do you know if they need water? I got a byFormica 3ml in the Out World. Only one worker drinking with the Queen. Do you think she'll be fine and how long until she lays more if eggs are gone? Ty.Feed them seeds and they will do better. Pogonomyrmex usually don’t get stressed through shipping too easily right? I so then that’s probably the case as the workers don’t need the seeds but the larvae do. As long as the queen is alive (like you mentioned not course) and there is still brood present she and her worker can make a comeback but only if you provide seeds (seeds of which include dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass and from what Ik that’s pretty much it). There are many more seeds choices you can pick.
Take them out of the nest and just keep them in a plain test tube setup. The water will be easiest to access in a tube and you can add seeds to the tube to feed them. They also won't develop well without heat, so you could put the front of the tube on a heating mat or cable. Though they mostly eat seeds, they'd also benefit from an occasional small piece of mealworm, cricket, or other feeder insect for additional protein. This helps jumpstart brood production if they don't already have any.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Take them out of the nest and just keep them in a plain test tube setup. The water will be easiest to access in a tube and you can add seeds to the tube to feed them. They also won't develop well without heat, so you could put the front of the tube on a heating mat or cable. Though they mostly eat seeds, they'd also benefit from an occasional small piece of mealworm, cricket, or other feeder insect for additional protein. This helps jumpstart brood production if they don't already have any.
I threw some seeds in the nest already. The two pupae didn't make it when I got the queen in the mail. Can't find the eggs, don't know where they went. Do you know if they need water? I got a byFormica 3ml in the Out World. Only one worker drinking with the Queen. Do you think she'll be fine and how long until she lays more if eggs are gone? Ty.Feed them seeds and they will do better. Pogonomyrmex usually don’t get stressed through shipping too easily right? I so then that’s probably the case as the workers don’t need the seeds but the larvae do. As long as the queen is alive (like you mentioned not course) and there is still brood present she and her worker can make a comeback but only if you provide seeds (seeds of which include dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass and from what Ik that’s pretty much it). There are many more seeds choices you can pick.
They're inside a nest with out world on top with a hole that goes into the nest. The water is inside the out world. It's a 3ml byFormica mini. It's halfway already and it's been almost 2 days. Not sure if the half cricket been touched. Can't find the eggs anywhere. Let me know if you know how long it takes for the queen to lay eggs and how long until there's 50+ workers? Ty.
Do you have pictures of the current setup that you can send? At this point they're too "understaffed" to live in a nest. They don't have enough workers to properly manage food and resources in an enclosure that large. Would be best to move them out into the test tube I mentioned. For the queen to lay eggs, I'd recommend heating the tube with a mat/cable at the front end and offering a cricket leg. I'd feed every couple days, unless if you leave some seeds in the tube. It'll take a few months at this rate for them to reach 50+ workers.
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
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