So today, for the first time, they dragged some fresh insect food directly into the nest.
I am not holding my breath for them to clean it up again, so later this week, I will have to clean after them.
I posted another thread that I had found book lice in some of my colonies, and this is one of the colonies with book lice.
Big surprise.
I bet the book lice love the soft approach to "hygiene".
Anyways, these are the girls:
One thing you can see well here:
The "food basked" of the larvae and how it is used.
The larvae are turned onto their backs, and the workers place small food bits into the grove on the belly/ under the chin of the larva.
Now the larva just has to bent the neck and can comfortably snack in a chill way.
This has already been described in "The Ants" (the big 2000 page book), and yes, they indeed call it the "food basket".