This ant escaped when changing their sugar feeder. I TRIED to get her to go back. She was too fast.
I was torn. Ended up putting the half-mummified ant in with her sisters who are trying to free her. But I think the spider bit her. She might not make it.
This has got to be some record for getting in to trouble on your own. She had 3 min of freedom. Dottie (a different ant) lived on the lamb for 2 weeks and made it home...
They are still trying to free her, but have pulled her into their sandcastle to work in private.
I gave the little house spider a fruit fly.
... I have sometimes fed house spiders to the ants, they love them and it's good nutrition for ants... If she wasn't alone this couldn't have happened. I really tried to get her to go back in, but she was being very fast and sneaky...
We have a whole circle of life thing on this book shelf.