I recently received a Camponotus floridanus queen. She arrived with 6 workers and 2 brood in pupa state.
Upon arrival her test tube was dirty and dry, so I moved them to a new test tube setup. I do not have a heating cable so one has been ordered and will be delivered today.
I have been using a space heater to warm the C. floridanus colony and have been maintaining a temp of 75-79F.
Routine feedings, and two weeks later (as of today) one worker has died and the two new ones are fully grown ants now.
I guess I am doing something correct, as she now has a huge pile of eggs! It’s hard to count but I think at least 10 as of this morning.
So exciting seeing this miracle of nature happen.
Amazon (after a week of delays) is to deliver my heating cable today (I got the 15W).
I plan to drape it over the test tube near the “open” end (its plugged w/ cotton). In other words – not near their water source. My apologies for the long way around but I wanted to be sure I explained my current situation.
Anyway – my question:
Do I leave the heating cable on all the time, or should I have it on a timer?
Also – I have two Lasius neoniger queens and a Messor barbarous queen currently in hibernation.
When I wake them in March, will I heat them similarly?
Thanks in advance for any tips or info.