So, of all the places, I found this Camponotus queen in a trashcan at a park. She had at least four workers with her in the trash bag. She might have been nested there, but the bag didn't look that old. So I'm not sure if she founded there or moved in. I grabbed her and one worker.
Since I don't guess there's any way I can figure out if she's a new queen or not, I imagine I should provide her with some more workers and feed her and treat her as a mature queen? I have what I believe to be the same species at my house I can grab actually and try to introduce to her.
So, how can I go about introducing a worker. I know it's good to refrigerate both of them, but I guess I'm anxious about refrigerating the queen, I don't want to interrupt her egg laying too much and if I try to introduce workers I imagine I might stress her out a bit. So, should I focus on getting her a few more workers first? Maybe up to 5? And only then try to settle her down in a test tube officially, or should she be alright with one worker and fed occasionally? Or maybe I should just wait and see if she starts laying eggs on her own first? Any advice is appreciated.
I believe these are likely C. sayi. Looks like she has laid one egg in the week I've had her.