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Antcube starter set container shipment for the american market has arrived

starter set antstore antcube

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15 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Antcube - Posted January 12 2024 - 9:10 AM



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Find the full Video on our Youtube Channel :)

Edited by dspdrew, January 12 2024 - 7:01 PM.
Fixed video

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#2 Offline FormiCanada - Posted February 6 2024 - 1:08 PM



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Find the full Video on our Youtube Channel :)




Love the glasswork!!! 

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted February 7 2024 - 9:45 PM


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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.


#4 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 8 2024 - 9:34 AM

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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.


You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

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#5 Offline T.C. - Posted February 9 2024 - 5:03 PM


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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.

You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

Yes... is the hobby in germany larger than I know?

Edited by T.C., February 9 2024 - 5:04 PM.


#6 Offline ChenZ - Posted February 9 2024 - 5:29 PM



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Actually I'm curious too if this hobby in Europe is so big that can support such a decent sized company. Probably yes, they've got AntCon while we'll be super lucky finding a shared vendor table with ants and formicariums in the biggest reptile expo.

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#7 Offline Canadian anter - Posted February 9 2024 - 7:23 PM

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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.

You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

Yes... is the hobby in germany larger than I know?


Big enough for a likely 7-8 figure annual revenue, haha

Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#8 Offline T.C. - Posted February 10 2024 - 10:12 PM


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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.

You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

Yes... is the hobby in germany larger than I know?
Big enough for a likely 7-8 figure annual revenue, haha

That math don't add up. I'd be interested in a break down but obviously that would never happen.


#9 Offline cutchins - Posted February 11 2024 - 7:42 AM



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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.


Hahahaha, good lord. I'm only responding because the constant negativity in ant keeping annoys me to no end.


I counted maximum 10 people shown in the video at any given time. You honestly don't think the EU Ant keeping community is large enough to support a company of 10 employees? You know they have a physical storefront as well, right? Yeah, the little line of people passing the boxes down the line to load into the truck was obviously staged for the video. I'm sure the spokesman of the company doesn't normally load trucks, nor the little old lady shown helping out, lol. But, who cares? They probably asked any employee that wanted to be in the video to show up that day. Why does this bother you? 


Such a bizarre critique and makes it seem like you're searching for a reason to be negative. I think it says more about you than Antcube.







Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.

You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

Yes... is the hobby in germany larger than I know?
Big enough for a likely 7-8 figure annual revenue, haha

That math don't add up. I'd be interested in a break down but obviously that would never happen.



I'm interested in seeing the math you're performing here. Especially when you admit in the same breath that you don't have numbers to use for your "math".

Edited by cutchins, February 11 2024 - 7:42 AM.

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#10 Offline T.C. - Posted February 12 2024 - 11:49 PM


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As somebody who has been in the hobby for over a decade, i have a pretty good idea on the potential number of sales. And it's not high. Not to mention the aspect of competition in this hobby. I built habitats and formicariums for a petting zoo and pet stores years back. Not profitable... at all. I was given the opportunity to work with schools. I declined, because they offered nothing in return. And I know just based off your response you know nothing about the cost of true legal employment. I have worked in HR, and employment is so expensive and goes far above an hourly salary. I can't speak on german workplace laws and such but I know in the U.S. how all that works. It's insane. Small companies get breaks big companies don't. Eitherway, they need to be making well above a million a year assuming those are full time employees. And personally i don't see how it's possible. Even working with schools or whatever. Most schools from my experience will work with free programs when it comes to such random education. Visiting a zoo is a stretch for most districts and rely on free admission. You are talking about me being negative, I'm not. I'm just being realistic.


#11 Offline futurebird - Posted February 13 2024 - 2:05 AM


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Have you even seen leaf cutter ants at a natural history museum? They do those exhibits and have some great videos about it. Further they ship to the entire EU, there are plenty of adult antkeepers who like high quality products there. It hasn't caught on as much in the US, but at least we can order some of this stuff more easily now without paying for reshipping. 


It's a niche market, but that can work if you have what that niche wants. 


I don't find it odd at all. 

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Starting this July I'm posting videos of my ants every week on youTube.

I like to make relaxing videos that capture the joy of watching ants.

If that sounds like your kind of thing... follow me >here<

#12 Offline Antcube - Posted February 13 2024 - 8:34 AM



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Well, I can asure you that you have seen only a few of full time employed colleagues, as others where on vacation.

However, we are since 25 years in the business, and that should prove confidence of quality and sustainibility in the unique hand made Glass products we are producing. You are most welcome to visit our manufactory!

Obviously antkeeping seems to be a raising interesting hobby, all over the world. That includes America, as many other continents.  And next to the reptile keepers, antkeeping is another fascinating kind of pet keeping, as ants don't face vetenarian costs, they don't smell, they need only limited amount of food, nor they are loud. All advantages which takes into account that this hobby finds it pleasure. If you bear in mind that ants are already existing for more then 30 Million years. And as you all know, with the right mantainance, queens could get old as 20 years.  Kids and grown ups love it. So enjoy the the products from us and your hobby.

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#13 Offline FormiCanada - Posted February 13 2024 - 10:03 AM



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Surely all the people wearing the company hoodies and shirts aren't "employees" as this video seems to "attempt" to portray. The hobby is not large enough to have enough volume in sales to support that many people. Looks good otherwise, just seems a little extra.

You know that's Antstore from Germany, right?

Yes... is the hobby in germany larger than I know?




If you ever take a trip to Germany, go visit their store. It's absolutely incredible -- a paradise for most antkeepers. These guys have been around for a long long time. 


Mikey from AntsCanada visited a few years back & did a phenomenal job on the youtube video. Check it out:




You can also check out their forum here:





These guys are awesome - lots of respect!

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#14 Offline cutchins - Posted February 13 2024 - 5:43 PM



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Well, I can asure you that you have seen only a few of full time employed colleagues, as others where on vacation.

However, we are since 25 years in the business, and that should prove confidence of quality and sustainibility in the unique hand made Glass products we are producing. You are most welcome to visit our manufactory!

Obviously antkeeping seems to be a raising interesting hobby, all over the world. That includes America, as many other continents.  And next to the reptile keepers, antkeeping is another fascinating kind of pet keeping, as ants don't face vetenarian costs, they don't smell, they need only limited amount of food, nor they are loud. All advantages which takes into account that this hobby finds it pleasure. If you bear in mind that ants are already existing for more then 30 Million years. And as you all know, with the right mantainance, queens could get old as 20 years.  Kids and grown ups love it. So enjoy the the products from us and your hobby.


Love your products! I just wish it was easier to get them here in the US! I even ordered from Antstore and had it shipped to my sister in Sweden and then she shipped it to me here in the US. It was a bit tedious, and (1x) 20x20 arena was broken during the last leg of the journey. But ordering from Talis-Us was a less than satisfactory experience. The products I got were intact but it took FOREVER for them to ship and email communication was bad. 


Hopefully access will continue to get better with additional resellers based in the states in the future!


For anyone wondering:  I inquired about the possible cost of a shipping container myself and honestly it's not prohibitively expensive if someone already has a serious business to sell from. If I wasn't in school full time right now I would be extremely tempted to setup my own shop and order a container.


The quality of the products are unbeatable. If you want to display your ants to others and don't want to custom make your own setups, you cannot beat AntCube. Highly recommend!

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#15 Offline Antcube - Posted February 14 2024 - 12:47 AM



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Thank you for your comment @ cutchins. We are working constantly to improve our customer service, so as Talis.  As he is our new partner in the U.S, with still limited expierence in the ant sector. However, we will give our best to support all interested anthusiastic's .

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#16 Offline FormiCanada - Posted February 14 2024 - 8:58 AM



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Well, I can asure you that you have seen only a few of full time employed colleagues, as others where on vacation.

However, we are since 25 years in the business, and that should prove confidence of quality and sustainibility in the unique hand made Glass products we are producing. You are most welcome to visit our manufactory!

Obviously antkeeping seems to be a raising interesting hobby, all over the world. That includes America, as many other continents.  And next to the reptile keepers, antkeeping is another fascinating kind of pet keeping, as ants don't face vetenarian costs, they don't smell, they need only limited amount of food, nor they are loud. All advantages which takes into account that this hobby finds it pleasure. If you bear in mind that ants are already existing for more then 30 Million years. And as you all know, with the right mantainance, queens could get old as 20 years.  Kids and grown ups love it. So enjoy the the products from us and your hobby.


Love your products! I just wish it was easier to get them here in the US! I even ordered from Antstore and had it shipped to my sister in Sweden and then she shipped it to me here in the US. It was a bit tedious, and (1x) 20x20 arena was broken during the last leg of the journey. But ordering from Talis-Us was a less than satisfactory experience. The products I got were intact but it took FOREVER for them to ship and email communication was bad. 


Hopefully access will continue to get better with additional resellers based in the states in the future!


For anyone wondering:  I inquired about the possible cost of a shipping container myself and honestly it's not prohibitively expensive if someone already has a serious business to sell from. If I wasn't in school full time right now I would be extremely tempted to setup my own shop and order a container.


The quality of the products are unbeatable. If you want to display your ants to others and don't want to custom make your own setups, you cannot beat AntCube. Highly recommend!




I would 100% be interested in a shipping container. 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: starter set, antstore, antcube

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